API Documentation

highdicom package

class highdicom.AlgorithmIdentificationSequence(name, family, version, source=None, parameters=None)

Bases: Sequence

Sequence of data elements describing information useful for identification of an algorithm.

  • name (str) – Name of the algorithm

  • family (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]) – Kind of algorithm family

  • version (str) – Version of the algorithm

  • source (str, optional) – Source of the algorithm, e.g. name of the algorithm manufacturer

  • parameters (Dict[str, str], optional) – Name and actual value of the parameters with which the algorithm was invoked

property family: CodedConcept

Kind of the algorithm family.



Return type


classmethod from_sequence(sequence, copy=True)

Construct instance from an existing data element sequence.

  • sequence (pydicom.sequence.Sequence) – Data element sequence representing the Algorithm Identification Sequence

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying sequence is deep-copied such that the original sequence remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original sequence in place.


Algorithm Identification Sequence

Return type


property name: str

Name of the algorithm.



Return type


property parameters: dict[str, str] | None

Union[Dict[str, str], None]: Dictionary mapping algorithm parameter names to values, if any

Return type

types.UnionType[dict[str, str], None]

property source: str | None

Union[str, None]: Source of the algorithm, e.g. name of the algorithm manufacturer, if any

Return type

types.UnionType[str, None]

property version: str

Version of the algorithm.



Return type


class highdicom.AnatomicalOrientationTypeValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Anatomical Orientation Type attribute.

class highdicom.AxisHandedness(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for axis handedness.

Axis handedness refers to a property of a mapping between voxel indices and their corresponding coordinates in the frame-of-reference coordinate system, as represented by the affine matrix.


The unit vectors of the first, second and third axes form a left hand when drawn in the frame-of-reference coordinate system with the thumb representing the first vector, the index finger representing the second vector, and the middle finger representing the third vector.


The unit vectors of the first, second and third axes form a right hand when drawn in the frame-of-reference coordinate system with the thumb representing the first vector, the index finger representing the second vector, and the middle finger representing the third vector.

class highdicom.ChannelDescriptor(identifier, is_custom=False, value_type=None)

Bases: object

Descriptor of a channel (non-spatial) dimension within a Volume.

A channel dimension may be described either using a standard DICOM attribute (preferable where possible) or a custom descriptor that defines the quantity or characteristic that varies along the dimension.

  • identifier (str | int | highdicom.ChannelDescriptor) – Identifier of the attribute. May be a DICOM attribute identified either by its keyword or integer tag value. Alternatively, if is_custom is True, an arbitrary string used to identify the dimension.

  • is_custom (bool) – Whether the identifier is a custom identifier, as opposed to a DICOM attribute.

  • value_type (type | None) – The python type of the values that vary along the dimension. Should be provided if and only if a custom identifier is used. Only ints, floats, strs, or enum.Enums, or their sub-classes, are allowed.

property is_custom: bool

Whether the descriptor is custom, as opposed to using a DICOM attribute.



Return type


property is_enumerated: bool

Whether the value type is enumerated.



Return type


property keyword: str

The DICOM keyword or custom string for the descriptor.



Return type


property tag: pydicom.tag.BaseTag | None

The DICOM tag for the attribute.

None for custom descriptors.



Return type

types.UnionType[pydicom.tag.BaseTag, None]

property value_type: type

Python type of the quantity that varies along the dimension.



Return type


class highdicom.ContentCreatorIdentificationCodeSequence(person_identification_codes, institution_name, person_address=None, person_telephone_numbers=None, person_telecom_information=None, institution_code=None, institution_address=None, institutional_department_name=None, institutional_department_type_code=None)

Bases: Sequence

Sequence of data elements for identifying the person who created content.

  • person_identification_codes (Sequence[Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]]) – Coded description(s) identifying the person.

  • institution_name (str) – Name of the to which the identified individual is responsible or accountable.

  • person_address (Union[str, None]) – Mailing address of the person.

  • person_telephone_numbers (Union[Sequence[str], None], optional) – Person’s telephone number(s).

  • person_telecom_information (Union[str, None], optional) – The person’s telecommunication contact information, including email or other addresses.

  • institution_code (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept, None], optional) – Coded concept identifying the institution.

  • institution_address (Union[str, None], optional) – Mailing address of the institution.

  • institutional_department_name (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the department, unit or service within the healthcare facility.

  • institutional_department_type_code (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept, None], optional) – A coded description of the type of Department or Service.

class highdicom.ContentQualificationValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Content Qualification attribute.

class highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for coordinate system names.

class highdicom.DimensionOrganizationTypeValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Dimension Organization Type attribute.

class highdicom.Image(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: _Image

Class representing a general DICOM image.

An “image” is any object representing an Image Information Entity.

Note that this does not correspond to a particular SOP class in DICOM, but instead captures behavior that is common to a number of SOP classes. It provides various methods to access the frames in the image, apply transforms specified in the dataset to the pixels, and arrange them spatially.

The class may not be instantiated directly, but should be created from an existing dataset.

  • study_instance_uid (str) – UID of the study

  • series_instance_uid (str) – UID of the series

  • series_number (int) – Number of the series within the study

  • sop_instance_uid (str) – UID that should be assigned to the instance

  • instance_number (int) – Number that should be assigned to the instance

  • modality (str) – Name of the modality

  • manufacturer (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the manufacturer (developer) of the device (software) that creates the instance

  • transfer_syntax_uid (Union[str, None], optional) – UID of transfer syntax that should be used for encoding of data elements. Defaults to Implicit VR Little Endian (UID "1.2.840.10008.1.2")

  • patient_id (Union[str, None], optional) – ID of the patient (medical record number)

  • patient_name (Union[str, pydicom.valuerep.PersonName, None], optional) – Name of the patient

  • patient_birth_date (Union[str, None], optional) – Patient’s birth date

  • patient_sex (Union[str, highdicom.PatientSexValues, None], optional) – Patient’s sex

  • study_id (Union[str, None], optional) – ID of the study

  • accession_number (Union[str, None], optional) – Accession number of the study

  • study_date (Union[str, datetime.date, None], optional) – Date of study creation

  • study_time (Union[str, datetime.time, None], optional) – Time of study creation

  • referring_physician_name (Union[str, pydicom.valuerep.PersonName, None], optional) – Name of the referring physician

  • content_qualification (Union[str, highdicom.ContentQualificationValues, None], optional) – Indicator of content qualification

  • coding_schemes (Union[Sequence[highdicom.sr.CodingSchemeIdentificationItem], None], optional) – private or public coding schemes that are not part of the DICOM standard

  • series_description (Union[str, None], optional) – Human readable description of the series

  • manufacturer_model_name (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the device model (name of the software library or application) that creates the instance

  • software_versions (Union[str, Tuple[str]]) – Version(s) of the software that creates the instance

  • device_serial_number (str) – Manufacturer’s serial number of the device

  • institution_name (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the institution of the person or device that creates the SR document instance.

  • institutional_department_name (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the department of the person or device that creates the SR document instance.


The constructor only provides attributes that are required by the standard (type 1 and 2) as part of the Patient, General Study, Patient Study, General Series, General Equipment and SOP Common modules. Derived classes are responsible for providing additional attributes required by the corresponding Information Object Definition (IOD). Additional optional attributes can subsequently be added to the dataset.


Check if a list of index pointers uniquely identifies frames.

For a given list of dimension index pointers, check whether every combination of index values for these pointers identifies a unique image frame. This is a pre-requisite for indexing using this list of dimension index pointers.

  • Sequence[Union[int – Sequence of tags serving as dimension index pointers. If strings, the items are interpreted as keywords.

  • pydicom.tag.BaseTag – Sequence of tags serving as dimension index pointers. If strings, the items are interpreted as keywords.

  • str]] – Sequence of tags serving as dimension index pointers. If strings, the items are interpreted as keywords.


True if dimension indices are unique.

Return type


property coordinate_system: highdicom.enum.CoordinateSystemNames | None

Frame-of-reference coordinate system, if any, within which the image exists.


highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | None

Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.enum.CoordinateSystemNames, None]


Copies patient- and study-related metadata from dataset that are defined in the following modules: Patient, General Study, Patient Study, Clinical Trial Subject and Clinical Trial Study.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – DICOM Data Set from which attributes should be copied

Return type



Copies specimen-related metadata from dataset that are defined in the Specimen module.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – DICOM Data Set from which attributes should be copied

Return type


property dimension_index_pointers: list[pydicom.tag.BaseTag]

List[pydicom.tag.BaseTag]: List of tags used as dimension indices.

Return type


classmethod from_dataset(dataset, copy=True)

Create an Image from an existing pydicom Dataset.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset representing an image.

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying dataset is deep-copied such that the original dataset remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original dataset in place.


Image object from the input dataset.

Return type


classmethod from_file(fp, lazy_frame_retrieval=False)

Read an image stored in DICOM File Format.

  • fp (Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]) – Any file-like object representing a DICOM file containing an image.

  • lazy_frame_retrieval (bool) – If True, the returned image will retrieve frames from the file as requested, rather than loading in the entire object to memory initially. This may be a good idea if file reading is slow and you are likely to need only a subset of the frames in the image.


Image read from the file.

Return type


get_frame(frame_number, as_index=False, *, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, apply_real_world_transform=None, real_world_value_map_selector=0, apply_modality_transform=None, apply_voi_transform=False, voi_transform_selector=0, voi_output_range=(0.0, 1.0), apply_presentation_lut=True, apply_palette_color_lut=None, apply_icc_profile=None)

Get a single frame of pixels, with transforms applied.

This method retrieves a frame of stored values and applies various intensity transforms specified within the dataset to them, depending on the options provided.

  • frame_number (int) – Number of the frame to retrieve. Under the default behavior, this is interpreted as a 1-based frame number (i.e. the first frame is numbered 1). This matches the convention used within DICOM when referring to frames within an image. To use a 0-based index instead (as is more common in Python), use the as_index parameter.

  • as_index (bool) – Interpret the input frame_number as a 0-based index, instead of the default behavior of interpreting it as a 1-based frame number.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype],) – Data type of the output array.

  • apply_real_world_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether to apply a real-world value map to the frame. A real-world value maps converts stored pixel values to output values with a real-world meaning, either using a LUT or a linear slope and intercept.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if present but no error will be raised if it is not present.

    Note that if the dataset contains both a modality LUT and a real world value map, the real world value map will be applied preferentially. This also implies that specifying both apply_real_world_transform and apply_modality_transform to True is not permitted.

  • real_world_value_map_selector (int | str | pydicom.sr.coding.Code | highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, optional) – Specification of the real world value map to use (multiple may be present in the dataset). If an int, it is used to index the list of available maps. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string will be used to match the "LUTLabel" attribute to select the map. If a pydicom.sr.coding.Code or highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, this will be used to match the units (contained in the "MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence" attribute).

  • apply_modality_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether to apply the modality transform (if present in the dataset) to the frame. The modality transform maps stored pixel values to output values, either using a LUT or rescale slope and intercept.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present and no real world value map takes precedence, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • apply_voi_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Apply the value-of-interest (VOI) transform (if present in the dataset) which limits the range of pixel values to a particular range of interest, using either a windowing operation or a LUT.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present and no real world value map takes precedence, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • voi_transform_selector (int | str | highdicom.content.VOILUTTransformation, optional) –

    Specification of the VOI transform to select (multiple may be present). May either be an int or a str. If an int, it is interpreted as a (zero-based) index of the list of VOI transforms to apply. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string that will be used to match the "WindowCenterWidthExplanation" or the "LUTExplanation" attributes to choose from multiple VOI transforms. Note that such explanations are optional according to the standard and therefore may not be present. Ignored if apply_voi_transform is False or no VOI transform is included in the datasets.

    Alternatively, a user-defined highdicom.content.VOILUTTransformation may be supplied. This will override any such transform specified in the dataset.

  • voi_output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Range of output values to which the VOI range is mapped. Only relevant if apply_voi_transform is True and a VOI transform is present.

  • apply_palette_color_lut (bool | None, optional) – Apply the palette color LUT, if present in the dataset. The palette color LUT maps a single sample for each pixel stored in the dataset to a 3 sample-per-pixel color image.

  • apply_presentation_lut (bool, optional) – Apply the presentation LUT transform to invert the pixel values. If the PresentationLUTShape is present with the value 'INVERSE', or the PresentationLUTShape is not present but the Photometric Interpretation is MONOCHROME1, convert the range of the output pixels corresponds to MONOCHROME2 (in which high values are represent white and low values represent black). Ignored if PhotometricInterpretation is not MONOCHROME1 and the PresentationLUTShape is not present, or if a real world value transform is applied.

  • apply_icc_profile (bool | None, optional) – Whether colors should be corrected by applying an ICC transform. Will only be performed if metadata contain an ICC Profile.


Numpy array of stored values. This will have shape (Rows, Columns) for a grayscale image, or (Rows, Columns, 3) for a color image. The data type will depend on how the pixels are stored in the file, and may be signed or unsigned integers or float.

Return type


get_raw_frame(frame_number, as_index=False)

Get the raw data for an encoded frame as bytes.

  • frame_number (int) – Number of the frame to retrieve. Under the default behavior, this is interpreted as a 1-based frame number (i.e. the first frame is numbered 1). This matches the convention used within DICOM when referring to frames within an image. To use a 0-based index instead (as is more common in Python), use the as_index parameter.

  • as_index (bool) – Interpret the input frame_number as a 0-based index, instead of the default 1-based index.


Raw encoded data relating to the requested frame.

Return type



In some situations, where the number of bits allocated is 1, the transfer syntax is not encapsulated (i.e. is native), and the number of pixels per frame is not a multiple of 8, frame boundaries are not aligned with byte boundaries in the raw bytes. In this situation, the returned bytes will contain the minimum range of bytes required to entirely contain the requested frame, however some bits may need stripping from the start and/or end to get the bits related to the requested frame.


Get UIDs of source image instances referenced in the image.


(Study Instance UID, Series Instance UID, SOP Instance UID) triplet for every image instance referenced in the image.

Return type

List[Tuple[highdicom.UID, highdicom.UID, highdicom.UID]]

get_stored_frame(frame_number, as_index=False)

Get a single frame of stored values.

Stored values are the pixel values stored within the dataset. They have been decompressed from the raw bytes (if necessary), interpreted as the correct pixel datatype (according to the pixel representation and planar configuration) and reshaped into a 2D (grayscale image) or 3D (color) NumPy array. However, no further pixel transform, such as the modality transform, VOI transforms, palette color LUTs, or ICC profile, has been applied.

To get frames with pixel transforms applied (as is appropriate for most applications), use highdicom.Image.get_frame() instead.

  • frame_number (int) – Number of the frame to retrieve. Under the default behavior, this is interpreted as a 1-based frame number (i.e. the first frame is numbered 1). This matches the convention used within DICOM when referring to frames within an image. To use a 0-based index instead (as is more common in Python), use the as_index parameter.

  • as_index (bool) – Interpret the input frame_number as a 0-based index, instead of the default 1-based index.


Numpy array of stored values. This will have shape (Rows, Columns) for a grayscale image, or (Rows, Columns, 3) for a color image. The data type will depend on how the pixels are stored in the file, and may be signed or unsigned integers or float.

Return type


get_total_pixel_matrix(row_start=None, row_end=None, column_start=None, column_end=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, apply_real_world_transform=None, real_world_value_map_selector=0, apply_modality_transform=None, apply_voi_transform=False, voi_transform_selector=0, voi_output_range=(0.0, 1.0), apply_presentation_lut=True, apply_palette_color_lut=None, apply_icc_profile=None, as_indices=False)

Get the pixel array as a (region of) the total pixel matrix.

This is only possible for tiled images, which are images in which the frames are arranged over a 2D plane (like tiles over a floor) and typically occur in microscopy. This method is not relevant for other types of image.

  • row_start (int, optional) – 1-based row number in the total pixel matrix of the first row to include in the output array. Alternatively a zero-based row index if as_indices is True. May be negative, in which case the last row is considered index -1. If None, the first row of the output is the first row of the total pixel matrix (regardless of the value of as_indices).

  • row_end (Union[int, None], optional) – 1-based row index in the total pixel matrix of the first row beyond the last row to include in the output array. A row_end value of n will include rows n - 1 and below, similar to standard Python indexing. If None, rows up until the final row of the total pixel matrix are included. May be negative, in which case the last row is considered index -1.

  • column_start (int, optional) – 1-based column number in the total pixel matrix of the first column to include in the output array. Alternatively a zero-based column index if as_indices is True.May be negative, in which case the last column is considered index -1.

  • column_end (Union[int, None], optional) – 1-based column index in the total pixel matrix of the first column beyond the last column to include in the output array. A column_end value of n will include columns n - 1 and below, similar to standard Python indexing. If None, columns up until the final column of the total pixel matrix are included. May be negative, in which case the last column is considered index -1.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype], optional) – Data type of the returned array.

  • apply_real_world_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether to apply a real-world value map to the frame. A real-world value maps converts stored pixel values to output values with a real-world meaning, either using a LUT or a linear slope and intercept.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if present but no error will be raised if it is not present.

    Note that if the dataset contains both a modality LUT and a real world value map, the real world value map will be applied preferentially. This also implies that specifying both apply_real_world_transform and apply_modality_transform to True is not permitted.

  • real_world_value_map_selector (int | str | pydicom.sr.coding.Code | highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, optional) – Specification of the real world value map to use (multiple may be present in the dataset). If an int, it is used to index the list of available maps. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string will be used to match the "LUTLabel" attribute to select the map. If a pydicom.sr.coding.Code or highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, this will be used to match the units (contained in the "MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence" attribute).

  • apply_modality_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether to apply the modality transform (if present in the dataset) to the frame. The modality transform maps stored pixel values to output values, either using a LUT or rescale slope and intercept.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present and no real world value map takes precedence, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • apply_voi_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Apply the value-of-interest (VOI) transform (if present in the dataset), which limits the range of pixel values to a particular range of interest using either a windowing operation or a LUT.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present and no real world value map takes precedence, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • voi_transform_selector (int | str | highdicom.content.VOILUTTransformation, optional) –

    Specification of the VOI transform to select (multiple may be present). May either be an int or a str. If an int, it is interpreted as a (zero-based) index of the list of VOI transforms to apply. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string that will be used to match the "WindowCenterWidthExplanation" or the "LUTExplanation" attributes to choose from multiple VOI transforms. Note that such explanations are optional according to the standard and therefore may not be present. Ignored if apply_voi_transform is False or no VOI transform is included in the datasets.

    Alternatively, a user-defined highdicom.content.VOILUTTransformation may be supplied. This will override any such transform specified in the dataset.

  • voi_output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Range of output values to which the VOI range is mapped. Only relevant if apply_voi_transform is True and a VOI transform is present.

  • apply_palette_color_lut (bool | None, optional) – Apply the palette color LUT, if present in the dataset. The palette color LUT maps a single sample for each pixel stored in the dataset to a 3 sample-per-pixel color image.

  • apply_presentation_lut (bool, optional) – Apply the presentation LUT transform to invert the pixel values. If the PresentationLUTShape is present with the value 'INVERSE', or the PresentationLUTShape is not present but the Photometric Interpretation is MONOCHROME1, convert the range of the output pixels corresponds to MONOCHROME2 (in which high values are represent white and low values represent black). Ignored if PhotometricInterpretation is not MONOCHROME1 and the PresentationLUTShape is not present, or if a real world value transform is applied.

  • apply_icc_profile (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether colors should be corrected by applying an ICC transform. Will only be performed if metadata contain an ICC Profile.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • as_indices (bool, optional) – If True, interpret all row/column numbering parameters (row_start, row_end, column_start, and column_end) as zero-based indices as opposed to the default one-based numbers used within DICOM.


pixel_array – Pixel array representing the image’s total pixel matrix.

Return type



By default, this method uses 1-based indexing of rows and columns in order to match the conventions used in the DICOM standard. The first row of the total pixel matrix is row 1, and the last is self.TotalPixelMatrixRows. This is is unlike standard Python and NumPy indexing which is 0-based. For negative indices, the two are equivalent with the final row/column having index -1. To switch to standard Python behavior, specify as_indices=True.

get_volume(*, slice_start=None, slice_end=None, row_start=None, row_end=None, column_start=None, column_end=None, as_indices=False, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, apply_real_world_transform=None, real_world_value_map_selector=0, apply_modality_transform=None, apply_voi_transform=False, voi_transform_selector=0, voi_output_range=(0.0, 1.0), apply_presentation_lut=True, apply_palette_color_lut=None, apply_icc_profile=None, allow_missing_positions=False, rtol=None, atol=None)

Create a highdicom.Volume from the image.

This is only possible in two situations: either the image represents a regularly-spaced 3D volume, or a tiled 2D total pixel matrix.

  • slice_start (int | none, optional) – zero-based index of the “volume position” of the first slice of the returned volume. the “volume position” refers to the position of slices after sorting spatially, and may correspond to any frame in the segmentation file, depending on its construction. may be negative, in which case standard python indexing behavior is followed (-1 corresponds to the last volume position, etc).

  • slice_end (union[int, none], optional) – zero-based index of the “volume position” one beyond the last slice of the returned volume. the “volume position” refers to the position of slices after sorting spatially, and may correspond to any frame in the segmentation file, depending on its construction. may be negative, in which case standard python indexing behavior is followed (-1 corresponds to the last volume position, etc). if none, the last volume position is included as the last output slice.

  • row_start (int, optional) – 1-based row number in the total pixel matrix of the first row to include in the output array. alternatively a zero-based row index if as_indices is true. may be negative, in which case the last row is considered index -1. if none, the first row of the output is the first row of the total pixel matrix (regardless of the value of as_indices).

  • row_end (union[int, none], optional) – 1-based row index in the total pixel matrix of the first row beyond the last row to include in the output array. a row_end value of n will include rows n - 1 and below, similar to standard python indexing. if none, rows up until the final row of the total pixel matrix are included. may be negative, in which case the last row is considered index -1.

  • column_start (int, optional) – 1-based column number in the total pixel matrix of the first column to include in the output array. alternatively a zero-based column index if as_indices is true.may be negative, in which case the last column is considered index -1.

  • column_end (union[int, none], optional) – 1-based column index in the total pixel matrix of the first column beyond the last column to include in the output array. a column_end value of n will include columns n - 1 and below, similar to standard python indexing. if none, columns up until the final column of the total pixel matrix are included. may be negative, in which case the last column is considered index -1.

  • as_indices (bool, optional) – if true, interpret all slice/row/column numbering parameters (row_start, row_end, column_start, and column_end) as zero-based indices as opposed to the default one-based numbers used within dicom.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype], optional) – Data type of the returned array.

  • apply_real_world_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether to apply a real-world value map to the frame. A real-world value maps converts stored pixel values to output values with a real-world meaning, either using a LUT or a linear slope and intercept.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if present but no error will be raised if it is not present.

    Note that if the dataset contains both a modality LUT and a real world value map, the real world value map will be applied preferentially. This also implies that specifying both apply_real_world_transform and apply_modality_transform to True is not permitted.

  • real_world_value_map_selector (int | str | pydicom.sr.coding.Code | highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, optional) – Specification of the real world value map to use (multiple may be present in the dataset). If an int, it is used to index the list of available maps. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string will be used to match the "LUTLabel" attribute to select the map. If a pydicom.sr.coding.Code or highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, this will be used to match the units (contained in the "MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence" attribute).

  • apply_modality_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether to apply the modality transform (if present in the dataset) to the frame. The modality transform maps stored pixel values to output values, either using a LUT or rescale slope and intercept.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present and no real world value map takes precedence, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • apply_voi_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Apply the value-of-interest (VOI) transform (if present in the dataset), which limits the range of pixel values to a particular range of interest using either a windowing operation or a LUT.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present and no real world value map takes precedence, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • voi_transform_selector (int | str | highdicom.content.VOILUTTransformation, optional) –

    Specification of the VOI transform to select (multiple may be present). May either be an int or a str. If an int, it is interpreted as a (zero-based) index of the list of VOI transforms to apply. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string that will be used to match the "WindowCenterWidthExplanation" or the "LUTExplanation" attributes to choose from multiple VOI transforms. Note that such explanations are optional according to the standard and therefore may not be present. Ignored if apply_voi_transform is False or no VOI transform is included in the dataset.

    Alternatively, a user-defined highdicom.content.VOILUTTransformation may be supplied. This will override any such transform specified in the dataset.

  • voi_output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Range of output values to which the VOI range is mapped. Only relevant if apply_voi_transform is True and a VOI transform is present.

  • apply_palette_color_lut (bool | None, optional) – Apply the palette color LUT, if present in the dataset. The palette color LUT maps a single sample for each pixel stored in the dataset to a 3 sample-per-pixel color image.

  • apply_presentation_lut (bool, optional) – Apply the presentation LUT transform to invert the pixel values. If the PresentationLUTShape is present with the value 'INVERSE', or the PresentationLUTShape is not present but the Photometric Interpretation is MONOCHROME1, convert the range of the output pixels corresponds to MONOCHROME2 (in which high values are represent white and low values represent black). Ignored if PhotometricInterpretation is not MONOCHROME1 and the PresentationLUTShape is not present, or if a real world value transform is applied.

  • apply_icc_profile (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether colors should be corrected by applying an ICC transform. Will only be performed if metadata contain an ICC Profile.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • allow_missing_positions (bool, optional) – Allow spatial positions the output array to be blank because these frames are omitted from the image. If False and missing positions are found, an error is raised.

  • rtol (float | None, optional) – Relative tolerance for determining spacing regularity. If slice spacings vary by less that this proportion of the average spacing, they are considered to be regular. If neither rtol or atol are provided, a default relative tolerance of 0.01 is used.

  • atol (float | None, optional) – Absolute tolerance for determining spacing regularity. If slice spacings vary by less that this value (in mm), they are considered to be regular. Incompatible with rtol.


Volume formed from frames of the image.

Return type



By default, this method uses 1-based indexing of rows and columns in order to match the conventions used in the DICOM standard. The first row of the total pixel matrix is row 1, and the last is self.TotalPixelMatrixRows. This is is unlike standard Python and NumPy indexing which is 0-based. For negative indices, the two are equivalent with the final row/column having index -1. To switch to standard Python behavior, specify as_indices=True.


The parameters row_start, row_end, column_start and column_end are provided primarily for the case where the volume is formed from frames tiled into a total pixel matrix. In other scenarios, it will behave as expected, but will not reduce the number of frames that have to be decoded and transformed.

get_volume_geometry(*, rtol=None, atol=None, allow_missing_positions=False, allow_duplicate_positions=True)

Get geometry of the image in 3D space.

This will succeed in two situations. Either the image is a consists of a set of frames that are stacked together to give a regularly-spaced 3D volume array (typical of CT, MRI, and PET) or the image is a tiled image consisting of a set of 2D tiles that are placed together in the same plane to form a total pixel matrix.

A single frame image has a volume geometry if it provides any information about its position and orientation within a frame-of-reference coordinate system.

  • rtol (float | None, optional) – Relative tolerance for determining spacing regularity. If slice spacings vary by less that this proportion of the average spacing, they are considered to be regular. If neither rtol or atol are provided, a default relative tolerance of 0.01 is used.

  • atol (float | None, optional) – Absolute tolerance for determining spacing regularity. If slice spacings vary by less that this value (in mm), they are considered to be regular. Incompatible with rtol.

  • allow_missing_positions (bool, optional) – Allow volume positions for which no frame exists in the image.

  • allow_duplicate_positions (bool, optional) – Allow multiple slices to occupy the same position within the volume. If False, duplicated image positions will result in failure.


Geometry of the volume if the image represents a regularly-spaced 3D volume or tiled total pixel matrix. None otherwise.

Return type

highdicom.VolumeGeometry | None


Whether the image can be indexed as a total pixel matrix.


True if the image may be indexed using row and column positions in the total pixel matrix. False otherwise.

Return type


property is_tiled: bool

Whether the image is a tiled multi-frame image.



Return type


property number_of_frames: int

Number of frames in the image.



Return type


property pixel_array

Get the full pixel array of stored values for all frames.

This method is consistent with the behavior of the pydicom Dataset class, but additionally functions correctly when lazy frame retrieval is used.


Full pixel array of stored values, ordered by frame number. Shape is (frames, rows, columns, samples). The frame dimension is omitted if it is equal to 1. The samples dimension is omitted for grayscale images, and 3 for color images.

Return type


property transfer_syntax_uid: UID




Return type


class highdicom.IssuerOfIdentifier(issuer_of_identifier, issuer_of_identifier_type=None)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing the issuer or a specimen or container identifier.

  • issuer_of_identifier (str) – Identifier of the entity that created the examined specimen

  • issuer_of_identifier_type (Union[str, highdicom.enum.UniversalEntityIDTypeValues], optional) – Type of identifier of the entity that created the examined specimen (required if issuer_of_specimen_id is a Unique Entity ID)

classmethod from_dataset(dataset, copy=True)

Construct object from an existing dataset.

  • dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying dataset is deep-copied such that the original dataset remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original dataset in place.


Issuer of identifier

Return type


property issuer_of_identifier: str

Identifier of the issuer.



Return type


property issuer_of_identifier_type: highdicom.enum.UniversalEntityIDTypeValues | None

Type of the issuer.



Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.enum.UniversalEntityIDTypeValues, None]

class highdicom.LUT(first_mapped_value, lut_data, lut_explanation=None)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing a lookup table (LUT).

  • first_mapped_value (int) – Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup-table.

  • lut_data (numpy.ndarray) – Lookup table data. Must be of type uint8 or uint16.

  • lut_explanation (Union[str, None], optional) – Free-form text explanation of the meaning of the LUT.


After the LUT is applied, a pixel in the image with value equal to first_mapped_value is mapped to an output value of lut_data[0], an input value of first_mapped_value + 1 is mapped to lut_data[1], and so on.

apply(array, dtype=None)

Apply the LUT to a pixel array.

  • apply (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel array to which the LUT should be applied. Can be of any shape but must have an integer datatype.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Datatype of the output array. If None, an unsigned integer datatype corresponding to the number of bits in the LUT will be used (either numpy.uint8 or numpy.uint16). Only safe casts are permitted.


Array with LUT applied.

Return type


property bits_per_entry: int

Bits allocated for the lookup table data. 8 or 16.



Return type


property first_mapped_value: int

Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.



Return type


classmethod from_dataset(dataset, copy=True)

Create a LUT from an existing Dataset.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset representing a LUT.

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying dataset is deep-copied such that the original dataset remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original dataset in place.


Constructed object

Return type



Get LUT data array with output values inverted within the same range.

This returns the LUT data inverted within its original range. So if the original LUT data has output values in the range 10-20 inclusive, then the entries with output value 10 will be mapped to 20, the entries with output value 11 will be mapped to value 19, and so on until the entries with value 20 are mapped to 10.


Inverted LUT data array, with the same size and data type as the original array.

Return type


get_scaled_lut_data(output_range=(0.0, 1.0), dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, invert=False)

Get LUT data array with output values scaled to a given range.

  • output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Tuple containing (lower, upper) value of the range into which to scale the output values. The lowest value in the LUT data will be mapped to the lower limit, and the highest value will be mapped to the upper limit, with a linear scaling used elsewhere.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Data type of the returned array (must be a floating point NumPy data type).

  • invert (bool, optional) – Invert the returned array such that the lowest original value in the LUT is mapped to the upper limit and the highest original value is mapped to the lower limit. This may be used to efficiently combined a LUT with a Resentation transform that inverts the range.


Rescaled LUT data array.

Return type


property lut_data: ndarray

LUT data



Return type


property number_of_entries: int

Number of entries in the lookup table.



Return type


class highdicom.LateralityValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Laterality attribute.

L = 'L'


R = 'R'


class highdicom.ModalityLUT(lut_type, first_mapped_value, lut_data, lut_explanation=None)

Bases: LUT

Dataset describing an item of the Modality LUT Sequence.

  • lut_type (Union[highdicom.RescaleTypeValues, str]) – String or enumerated value specifying the units of the output of the LUT operation.

  • first_mapped_value (int) – Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup-table.

  • lut_data (numpy.ndarray) – Lookup table data. Must be of type uint16.

  • lut_explanation (Union[str, None], optional) – Free-form text explanation of the meaning of the LUT.

apply(array, dtype=None)

Apply the LUT to a pixel array.

  • apply (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel array to which the LUT should be applied. Can be of any shape but must have an integer datatype.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Datatype of the output array. If None, an unsigned integer datatype corresponding to the number of bits in the LUT will be used (either numpy.uint8 or numpy.uint16). Only safe casts are permitted.


Array with LUT applied.

Return type


property bits_per_entry: int

Bits allocated for the lookup table data. 8 or 16.



Return type


property first_mapped_value: int

Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.



Return type


classmethod from_dataset(dataset, copy=True)

Create a LUT from an existing Dataset.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset representing a LUT.

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying dataset is deep-copied such that the original dataset remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original dataset in place.


Constructed object

Return type



Get LUT data array with output values inverted within the same range.

This returns the LUT data inverted within its original range. So if the original LUT data has output values in the range 10-20 inclusive, then the entries with output value 10 will be mapped to 20, the entries with output value 11 will be mapped to value 19, and so on until the entries with value 20 are mapped to 10.


Inverted LUT data array, with the same size and data type as the original array.

Return type


get_scaled_lut_data(output_range=(0.0, 1.0), dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, invert=False)

Get LUT data array with output values scaled to a given range.

  • output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Tuple containing (lower, upper) value of the range into which to scale the output values. The lowest value in the LUT data will be mapped to the lower limit, and the highest value will be mapped to the upper limit, with a linear scaling used elsewhere.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Data type of the returned array (must be a floating point NumPy data type).

  • invert (bool, optional) – Invert the returned array such that the lowest original value in the LUT is mapped to the upper limit and the highest original value is mapped to the lower limit. This may be used to efficiently combined a LUT with a Resentation transform that inverts the range.


Rescaled LUT data array.

Return type


property lut_data: ndarray

LUT data



Return type


property number_of_entries: int

Number of entries in the lookup table.



Return type


class highdicom.ModalityLUTTransformation(rescale_intercept=None, rescale_slope=None, rescale_type=None, modality_lut=None)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing the Modality LUT Transformation as part of the Pixel Transformation Sequence to transform the manufacturer dependent pixel values into pixel values that are meaningful for the modality and are manufacturer independent.

  • rescale_intercept (Union[int, float, None], optional) – Intercept of linear function used for rescaling pixel values.

  • rescale_slope (Union[int, float, None], optional) – Slope of linear function used for rescaling pixel values.

  • rescale_type (Union[highdicom.RescaleTypeValues, str, None], optional) – String or enumerated value specifying the units of the output of the Modality LUT or rescale operation.

  • modality_lut (Union[highdicom.ModalityLUT, None], optional) – Lookup table specifying a pixel rescaling operation to apply to the stored values to give modality values.


Either modality_lut may be specified or all three of rescale_slope, rescale_intercept, and rescale_type may be specified. All four parameters should not be specified simultaneously.

apply(array, dtype=None)

Apply the transformation to a pixel array.

  • apply (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel array to which the transformation should be applied. Can be of any shape but must have an integer datatype if the transformation uses a LUT.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Ensure the output type has this value. By default, this will have type numpy.float64 if the transformation uses a rescale operation, or the datatype of the Modality LUT (numpy.uint8 or numpy.uint16) if it uses a LUT. An integer datatype may be specified if a rescale operation is used, however if Rescale Slope or Rescale Intecept are non-integer values an error will be raised.


Array with transformation applied.

Return type



Determine whether the transformation contains a lookup table.


True if the transformation contains a look-up table. False otherwise, when the mapping is represented by slope and intercept defining a linear relationship.

Return type


class highdicom.PadModes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values of modes to pad an array.


Pad with a specified constant value.


Pad with the edge value.


Pad with the maximum value.


Pad with the mean value.


Pad with the median value.


Pad with the minimum value.

class highdicom.PaletteColorLUT(first_mapped_value, lut_data, color)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing a palette color lookup table (LUT).

  • first_mapped_value (int) – Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.

  • lut_data (numpy.ndarray) – Lookup table data. Must be of type uint8 or uint16.

  • color (str) – Text representing the color (red, green, or blue).


After the LUT is applied, a pixel in the image with value equal to first_mapped_value is mapped to an output value of lut_data[0], an input value of first_mapped_value + 1 is mapped to lut_data[1], and so on.

apply(array, dtype=None)

Apply the LUT to a pixel array.

  • apply (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel array to which the LUT should be applied. Can be of any shape but must have an integer datatype.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Datatype of the output array. If None, an unsigned integer datatype corresponding to the number of bits in the LUT will be used (either numpy.uint8 or numpy.uint16). Only safe casts are permitted.


Array with LUT applied.

Return type


property bits_per_entry: int

Bits allocated for the lookup table data. 8 or 16.



Return type


classmethod extract_from_dataset(dataset, color)

Construct from an existing dataset.

Note that unlike many other from_dataset() methods, this method extracts only the attributes it needs from the original dataset, and always returns a new object.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset containing the attributes of the Palette Color Lookup Table Transformation.

  • color (str) – Text representing the color (red, green, or blue).


New object containing attributes found in dataset.

Return type


property first_mapped_value: int

Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.



Return type


property lut_data: ndarray

lookup table data



Return type


property number_of_entries: int

Number of entries in the lookup table.



Return type


class highdicom.PaletteColorLUTTransformation(red_lut, green_lut, blue_lut, palette_color_lut_uid=None)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing the Palette Color LUT Transformation as part of the Pixel Transformation Sequence to transform grayscale into RGB color pixel values.

apply(array, dtype=None)

Apply the LUT to a pixel array.

  • apply (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel array to which the LUT should be applied. Can be of any shape but must have an integer datatype.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Datatype of the output array. If None, an unsigned integer datatype corresponding to the number of bits in the LUT will be used (either numpy.uint8 or numpy.uint16). Only safe casts are permitted.


Array with LUT applied. The RGB channels will be stacked along a new final dimension.

Return type


property bits_per_entry: int

Bits allocated for the lookup table data. 8 or 16.



Return type


property blue_lut: highdicom.content.PaletteColorLUT | highdicom.content.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT

Union[highdicom.PaletteColorLUT, highdicom.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT]: Lookup table for the blue output color channel

Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.content.PaletteColorLUT, highdicom.content.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT]

property combined_lut_data: ndarray


An NumPy array of shape (number_of_entries, 3) containing the red, green and blue lut data stacked along the final dimension of the array. Data type with be 8 or 16 bit unsigned integer depending on the number of bits per entry in the LUT.

Return type


classmethod extract_from_dataset(dataset)

Construct from an existing dataset.

Note that unlike many other from_dataset() methods, this method extracts only the attributes it needs from the original dataset, and always returns a new object.


dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset containing Palette Color LUT information. Note that any number of other attributes may be included and will be ignored (for example allowing an entire image with Palette Color LUT information at the top level to be passed).


New object containing attributes found in dataset.

Return type


property first_mapped_value: int

Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.



Return type


classmethod from_colors(colors, first_mapped_value=0, palette_color_lut_uid=None)

Create a palette color lookup table from a list of colors.

  • colors (Sequence[str]) –

    List of colors. Item i of the list will be used as the color for input value first_mapped_value + i. Each color should be a string understood by PIL’s getrgb() function (see here for the documentation of that function or here) for the original list of colors). This includes many case-insensitive color names (e.g. "red", "Crimson", or "INDIGO"), hex codes (e.g. "#ff7733") or decimal integers in the format of this example: "RGB(255, 255, 0)".

  • first_mapped_value (int) – Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.

  • palette_color_lut_uid (Union[highdicom.UID, str, None], optional) – Unique identifier for the palette color lookup table.


Create a PaletteColorLUTTransformation for a small number of values (4 in this case). This would be typical for a labelmap segmentation.

>>> import highdicom as hd
>>> lut = hd.PaletteColorLUTTransformation.from_colors(
>>>     colors=['black', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow'],
>>>     palette_color_lut_uid=hd.UID(),
>>> )

Palette Color Lookup table created from the given colors. This will always be an 8 bit LUT.

Return type


classmethod from_combined_lut(lut_data, first_mapped_value=0, palette_color_lut_uid=None)

Create a palette color lookup table from a combined LUT array.

  • lut_data (numpy.ndarray) – LUT array with shape (number_of_entries, 3) where the entries are stacked as rows and the 3 columns represent the red, green, and blue channels (in that order). Data type must be numpy.uint8 or numpy.uint16.

  • first_mapped_value (int) – Input pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.

  • palette_color_lut_uid (Union[highdicom.UID, str, None], optional) – Unique identifier for the palette color lookup table.


Palette Color Lookup table created from the given colors. This will be an 8-bit or 16-bit LUT depending on the data type of the input lut_data.

Return type



Create a PaletteColorLUTTransformation from a built-in colormap from the well-known matplotlib python package (must be installed separately).

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from matplotlib import colormaps
>>> import highdicom as hd
>>> # Use matplotlib's built-in 'gist_rainbow_r' colormap as an example
>>> cmap = colormaps['gist_rainbow_r']
>>> # Create an 8-bit RGBA LUT array from the colormap
>>> num_entries = 10  # e.g. number of classes in a segmentation
>>> lut_data = cmap(np.arange(num_entries) / (num_entries + 1), bytes=True)
>>> # Remove the alpha channel (at index 3)
>>> lut_data = lut_data[:, :3]
>>> lut = hd.PaletteColorLUTTransformation.from_combined_lut(
>>>     lut_data,
>>>     palette_color_lut_uid=hd.UID(),
>>> )
property green_lut: highdicom.content.PaletteColorLUT | highdicom.content.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT

Union[highdicom.PaletteColorLUT, highdicom.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT]: Lookup table for the green output color channel

Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.content.PaletteColorLUT, highdicom.content.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT]

property is_segmented: bool

True if the transformation is a segmented LUT. False otherwise.



Return type


property number_of_entries: int

Number of entries in the lookup table.



Return type


property red_lut: highdicom.content.PaletteColorLUT | highdicom.content.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT

Union[highdicom.PaletteColorLUT, highdicom.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT]: Lookup table for the red output color channel

Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.content.PaletteColorLUT, highdicom.content.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT]

class highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Patient Orientation attribute if Anatomical Orientation Type attribute has value "BIPED".

A = 'A'


F = 'F'


H = 'H'


L = 'L'


P = 'P'


R = 'R'


class highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesQuadruped(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Patient Orientation attribute if Anatomical Orientation Type attribute has value "QUADRUPED".

CD = 'CD'


CR = 'CR'


D = 'D'


DI = 'DI'


L = 'L'


LE = 'LE'


M = 'M'


PA = 'PA'


PL = 'PL'


PR = 'PR'


R = 'R'


RT = 'RT'


V = 'V'


class highdicom.PatientSexValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Patient’s Sex attribute.

F = 'F'


M = 'M'


O = 'O'


class highdicom.PhotometricInterpretationValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Photometric Interpretation attribute.

See Section C. for more information.

YBR_FULL_422 = 'YBR_FULL_422'
class highdicom.PixelIndexDirections(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values used to describe indexing conventions of pixel arrays.

D = 'D'

Pixel index that increases moving down the columns from top to bottom.



L = 'L'

Pixel index that increases moving across the rows from right to left.



R = 'R'

Pixel index that increases moving across the rows from left to right.



U = 'U'

Pixel index that increases moving up the columns from bottom to top.



class highdicom.PixelMeasuresSequence(pixel_spacing, slice_thickness, spacing_between_slices=None)

Bases: Sequence

Sequence of data elements describing physical spacing of an image based on the Pixel Measures functional group macro.

  • pixel_spacing (Sequence[float]) – Distance in physical space between neighboring pixels in millimeters along the row and column dimension of the image. First value represents the spacing between rows (vertical) and second value represents the spacing between columns (horizontal).

  • slice_thickness (Union[float, None]) – Depth of physical space volume the image represents in millimeter.

  • spacing_between_slices (Union[float, None], optional) – Distance in physical space between two consecutive images in millimeters. Only required for certain modalities, such as MR.

classmethod from_sequence(sequence, copy=True)

Create a PixelMeasuresSequence from an existing Sequence.

  • sequence (pydicom.sequence.Sequence) – Sequence to be converted.

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying sequence is deep-copied such that the original sequence remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original sequence in place.


Plane Measures Sequence.

Return type


  • TypeError: – If sequence is not of the correct type.

  • ValueError: – If sequence does not contain exactly one item.

  • AttributeError: – If sequence does not contain the attributes required for a pixel measures sequence.

class highdicom.PixelRepresentationValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Planar Representation attribute.

class highdicom.PlanarConfigurationValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Planar Representation attribute.

class highdicom.PlaneOrientationSequence(coordinate_system, image_orientation)

Bases: Sequence

Sequence of data elements describing the image position in the patient or slide coordinate system based on either the Plane Orientation (Patient) or the Plane Orientation (Slide) functional group macro, respectively.

  • coordinate_system (Union[str, highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames]) – Frame of reference coordinate system

  • image_orientation (Sequence[float]) – Direction cosines for the first row (first triplet) and the first column (second triplet) of an image with respect to the X, Y, and Z axis of the three-dimensional coordinate system

classmethod from_sequence(sequence, copy=True)

Create a PlaneOrientationSequence from an existing Sequence.

The coordinate system is inferred from the attributes in the sequence.

  • sequence (pydicom.sequence.Sequence) – Sequence to be converted.

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying sequence is deep-copied such that the original sequence remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original sequence in place.


Plane Orientation Sequence.

Return type


  • TypeError: – If sequence is not of the correct type.

  • ValueError: – If sequence does not contain exactly one item.

  • AttributeError: – If sequence does not contain the attributes required for a plane orientation sequence.

class highdicom.PlanePositionSequence(coordinate_system, image_position, pixel_matrix_position=None)

Bases: Sequence

Sequence of data elements describing the position of an individual plane (frame) in the patient coordinate system based on the Plane Position (Patient) functional group macro or in the slide coordinate system based on the Plane Position (Slide) functional group macro.

  • coordinate_system (Union[str, highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames]) – Frame of reference coordinate system

  • image_position (Sequence[float]) – Offset of the first row and first column of the plane (frame) in millimeter along the x, y, and z axis of the three-dimensional patient or slide coordinate system

  • pixel_matrix_position (Tuple[int, int], optional) – Offset of the first column and first row of the plane (frame) in pixels along the row and column direction of the total pixel matrix (only required if coordinate_system is "SLIDE")


The values of both image_position and pixel_matrix_position are one-based.

classmethod from_sequence(sequence, copy=True)

Create a PlanePositionSequence from an existing Sequence.

The coordinate system is inferred from the attributes in the sequence.

  • sequence (pydicom.sequence.Sequence) – Sequence to be converted.

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying sequence is deep-copied such that the original sequence remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original sequence in place.


Plane Position Sequence.

Return type


  • TypeError: – If sequence is not of the correct type.

  • ValueError: – If sequence does not contain exactly one item.

  • AttributeError: – If sequence does not contain the attributes required for a plane position sequence.

class highdicom.PresentationLUT(first_mapped_value, lut_data, lut_explanation=None)

Bases: LUT

Dataset describing an item of the Presentation LUT Sequence.

  • first_mapped_value (int) – Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup-table.

  • lut_data (numpy.ndarray) – Lookup table data. Must be of type uint16.

  • lut_explanation (Union[str, None], optional) – Free-form text explanation of the meaning of the LUT.

apply(array, dtype=None)

Apply the LUT to a pixel array.

  • apply (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel array to which the LUT should be applied. Can be of any shape but must have an integer datatype.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Datatype of the output array. If None, an unsigned integer datatype corresponding to the number of bits in the LUT will be used (either numpy.uint8 or numpy.uint16). Only safe casts are permitted.


Array with LUT applied.

Return type


property bits_per_entry: int

Bits allocated for the lookup table data. 8 or 16.



Return type


property first_mapped_value: int

Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.



Return type


classmethod from_dataset(dataset, copy=True)

Create a LUT from an existing Dataset.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset representing a LUT.

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying dataset is deep-copied such that the original dataset remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original dataset in place.


Constructed object

Return type



Get LUT data array with output values inverted within the same range.

This returns the LUT data inverted within its original range. So if the original LUT data has output values in the range 10-20 inclusive, then the entries with output value 10 will be mapped to 20, the entries with output value 11 will be mapped to value 19, and so on until the entries with value 20 are mapped to 10.


Inverted LUT data array, with the same size and data type as the original array.

Return type


get_scaled_lut_data(output_range=(0.0, 1.0), dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, invert=False)

Get LUT data array with output values scaled to a given range.

  • output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Tuple containing (lower, upper) value of the range into which to scale the output values. The lowest value in the LUT data will be mapped to the lower limit, and the highest value will be mapped to the upper limit, with a linear scaling used elsewhere.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Data type of the returned array (must be a floating point NumPy data type).

  • invert (bool, optional) – Invert the returned array such that the lowest original value in the LUT is mapped to the upper limit and the highest original value is mapped to the lower limit. This may be used to efficiently combined a LUT with a Resentation transform that inverts the range.


Rescaled LUT data array.

Return type


property lut_data: ndarray

LUT data



Return type


property number_of_entries: int

Number of entries in the lookup table.



Return type


class highdicom.PresentationLUTShapeValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for the Presentation LUT Shape attribute.


No further translation of values is performed.


A value of INVERSE shall mean the same as a value of IDENTITY, except that the minimum output value shall convey the meaning of the maximum available luminance, and the maximum value shall convey the minimum available luminance.

class highdicom.PresentationLUTTransformation(presentation_lut_shape=None, presentation_lut=None)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing the Presentation LUT Transformation as part of the Pixel Transformation Sequence to transform polarity pixel values into device-indendent presentation values (P-Values).

  • presentation_lut_shape (Union[highdicom.pr.PresentationLUTShapeValues, str, None], optional) – Shape of the presentation LUT

  • presentation_lut (Optional[highdicom.PresentationLUT], optional) – Presentation LUT


Only one of presentation_lut_shape or presentation_lut should be provided.

class highdicom.RGBColorChannels(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

B = 'B'

Blue color channel.

G = 'G'

Green color channel.

R = 'R'

Red color channel.

class highdicom.ReferencedImageSequence(referenced_images=None, referenced_frame_number=None, referenced_segment_number=None)

Bases: Sequence

Sequence of data elements describing a set of referenced images.

  • referenced_images (Union[Sequence[pydicom.Dataset], None], optional) – Images to which the VOI LUT described in this dataset applies. Note that if unspecified, the VOI LUT applies to every image referenced in the presentation state object that this dataset is included in.

  • referenced_frame_number (Union[int, Sequence[int], None], optional) – Frame number(s) within a referenced multiframe image to which this VOI LUT applies.

  • referenced_segment_number (Union[int, Sequence[int], None], optional) – Segment number(s) within a referenced segmentation image to which this VOI LUT applies.

class highdicom.RescaleTypeValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for attribute Rescale Type.

This specifies the units of the result of the rescale operation. Other values may be used, but they are not defined by the DICOM standard.

ED = 'ED'

Electron density in 1023 electrons/ml.


Electron density normalized to water.

Units are N/Nw where N is number of electrons per unit volume, and Nw is number of electrons in the same unit of water at standard temperature and pressure.

HU = 'HU'

Hounsfield Units (CT).


Modified Hounsfield Unit.


Milligrams per milliliter.

OD = 'OD'

The number in the LUT represents thousands of optical density.

That is, a value of 2140 represents an optical density of 2.140.


Percentage (%)

US = 'US'



Effective Atomic Number (i.e., Effective-Z).

class highdicom.SOPClass(study_instance_uid, series_instance_uid, series_number, sop_instance_uid, sop_class_uid, instance_number, modality, manufacturer=None, transfer_syntax_uid=None, patient_id=None, patient_name=None, patient_birth_date=None, patient_sex=None, accession_number=None, study_id=None, study_date=None, study_time=None, referring_physician_name=None, content_qualification=None, coding_schemes=None, series_description=None, manufacturer_model_name=None, software_versions=None, device_serial_number=None, institution_name=None, institutional_department_name=None)

Bases: Dataset

Base class for DICOM SOP Instances.

  • study_instance_uid (str) – UID of the study

  • series_instance_uid (str) – UID of the series

  • series_number (int) – Number of the series within the study

  • sop_instance_uid (str) – UID that should be assigned to the instance

  • instance_number (int) – Number that should be assigned to the instance

  • modality (str) – Name of the modality

  • manufacturer (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the manufacturer (developer) of the device (software) that creates the instance

  • transfer_syntax_uid (Union[str, None], optional) – UID of transfer syntax that should be used for encoding of data elements. Defaults to Implicit VR Little Endian (UID "1.2.840.10008.1.2")

  • patient_id (Union[str, None], optional) – ID of the patient (medical record number)

  • patient_name (Union[str, pydicom.valuerep.PersonName, None], optional) – Name of the patient

  • patient_birth_date (Union[str, None], optional) – Patient’s birth date

  • patient_sex (Union[str, highdicom.PatientSexValues, None], optional) – Patient’s sex

  • study_id (Union[str, None], optional) – ID of the study

  • accession_number (Union[str, None], optional) – Accession number of the study

  • study_date (Union[str, datetime.date, None], optional) – Date of study creation

  • study_time (Union[str, datetime.time, None], optional) – Time of study creation

  • referring_physician_name (Union[str, pydicom.valuerep.PersonName, None], optional) – Name of the referring physician

  • content_qualification (Union[str, highdicom.ContentQualificationValues, None], optional) – Indicator of content qualification

  • coding_schemes (Union[Sequence[highdicom.sr.CodingSchemeIdentificationItem], None], optional) – private or public coding schemes that are not part of the DICOM standard

  • series_description (Union[str, None], optional) – Human readable description of the series

  • manufacturer_model_name (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the device model (name of the software library or application) that creates the instance

  • software_versions (Union[str, Tuple[str]]) – Version(s) of the software that creates the instance

  • device_serial_number (str) – Manufacturer’s serial number of the device

  • institution_name (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the institution of the person or device that creates the SR document instance.

  • institutional_department_name (Union[str, None], optional) – Name of the department of the person or device that creates the SR document instance.


The constructor only provides attributes that are required by the standard (type 1 and 2) as part of the Patient, General Study, Patient Study, General Series, General Equipment and SOP Common modules. Derived classes are responsible for providing additional attributes required by the corresponding Information Object Definition (IOD). Additional optional attributes can subsequently be added to the dataset.


Copies patient- and study-related metadata from dataset that are defined in the following modules: Patient, General Study, Patient Study, Clinical Trial Subject and Clinical Trial Study.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – DICOM Data Set from which attributes should be copied

Return type



Copies specimen-related metadata from dataset that are defined in the Specimen module.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – DICOM Data Set from which attributes should be copied

Return type


property transfer_syntax_uid: UID




Return type


class highdicom.SegmentedPaletteColorLUT(first_mapped_value, segmented_lut_data, color)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing a segmented palette color lookup table (LUT).

  • first_mapped_value (int) – Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.

  • segmented_lut_data (numpy.ndarray) – Segmented lookup table data. Must be of type uint8 or uint16.

  • color (str) – Free-form text explanation of the color (red, green, or blue).


After the LUT is applied, a pixel in the image with value equal to first_mapped_value is mapped to an output value of lut_data[0], an input value of first_mapped_value + 1 is mapped to lut_data[1], and so on.

See here for details of how the segmented LUT data is encoded. Highdicom may provide utilities to assist in creating these arrays in a future release.

property bits_per_entry: int

Bits allocated for the lookup table data. 8 or 16.



Return type


classmethod extract_from_dataset(dataset, color)

Construct from an existing dataset.

Note that unlike many other from_dataset() methods, this method extracts only the attributes it needs from the original dataset, and always returns a new object.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset containing the attributes of the Palette Color Lookup Table Transformation.

  • color (str) – Text representing the color (red, green, or blue).


New object containing attributes found in dataset.

Return type


property first_mapped_value: int

Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.



Return type


property lut_data: ndarray

expanded lookup table data



Return type


property number_of_entries: int

Number of entries in the lookup table.



Return type


property segmented_lut_data: ndarray

segmented lookup table data



Return type


class highdicom.SpecimenCollection(procedure)

Bases: ContentSequence

Sequence of SR content items describing a specimen collection procedure.


procedure (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]) – Surgical procedure used to collect the examined specimen


Append a content item to the sequence.


item (highdicom.sr.ContentItem) – SR Content Item

Return type



Extend multiple content items to the sequence.


val (Iterable[highdicom.sr.ContentItem, highdicom.sr.ContentSequence]) – SR Content Items

Return type



Find contained content items given their name.


name (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]) – Name of SR Content Items


Matched content items

Return type


classmethod from_sequence(sequence, is_root=False, is_sr=True, copy=True)

Construct object from a sequence of datasets.

  • sequence (Sequence[pydicom.dataset.Dataset]) – Datasets representing SR Content Items

  • is_root (bool, optional) – Whether the sequence is used to contain SR Content Items that are intended to be added to an SR document at the root of the document content tree

  • is_sr (bool, optional) – Whether the sequence is use to contain SR Content Items that are intended to be added to an SR document as opposed to other types of IODs based on an acquisition, protocol or workflow context template

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying sequence is deep-copied such that the original sequence remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original sequence in place.


Content Sequence containing SR Content Items

Return type



Get content items that represent nodes in the content tree.

A node is hereby defined as a content item that has a ContentSequence attribute.


Matched content items

Return type



Get the index of a given item.


val (highdicom.sr.ContentItem) – SR Content Item



Return type

Index of the item in the sequence

insert(position, val)

Insert a content item into the sequence at a given position.

Return type


property is_root: bool

whether the sequence is intended for use at the root of the SR content tree.



Return type


property is_sr: bool

whether the sequence is intended for use in an SR document



Return type


property procedure: CodedConcept

Surgical procedure



Return type


class highdicom.SpecimenDescription(specimen_id, specimen_uid, specimen_location=None, specimen_preparation_steps=None, issuer_of_specimen_id=None, primary_anatomic_structures=None, specimen_type=None, specimen_short_description=None, specimen_detailed_description=None)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing a specimen.

  • specimen_id (str) – Identifier of the examined specimen

  • specimen_uid (str) – Unique identifier of the examined specimen

  • specimen_location (Union[str, Tuple[float, float, float]], optional) – Location of the examined specimen relative to the container provided either in form of text or in form of spatial X, Y, Z coordinates specifying the position (offset) relative to the three-dimensional slide coordinate system in millimeter (X, Y) and micrometer (Z) unit.

  • specimen_preparation_steps (Sequence[highdicom.SpecimenPreparationStep], optional) – Steps that were applied during the preparation of the examined specimen in the laboratory prior to image acquisition

  • specimen_type (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept], optional) – The anatomic pathology specimen type of the specimen (see CID 8103 “Anatomic Pathology Specimen Type” for options).

  • specimen_short_description (str, optional) – Short description of the examined specimen.

  • specimen_detailed_description (str, optional) – Detailed description of the examined specimen.

  • issuer_of_specimen_id (highdicom.IssuerOfIdentifier, optional) – Description of the issuer of the specimen identifier

  • primary_anatomic_structures (Sequence[Union[pydicom.sr.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]]) – Body site at which specimen was collected

classmethod from_dataset(dataset)

Construct object from an existing dataset.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset representing an item of Specimen Description Sequence


Constructed object

Return type


property issuer_of_specimen_id: highdicom.content.IssuerOfIdentifier | None

Issuer of identifier for the specimen.



Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.content.IssuerOfIdentifier, None]

property primary_anatomic_structures: list[highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept] | None

List of anatomic structures of the specimen.



Return type

types.UnionType[list[highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept], None]

property specimen_detailed_description: str | None

Detailed description of specimen.



Return type

types.UnionType[str, None]

property specimen_id: str

Specimen identifier.



Return type


property specimen_location: str | tuple[float, float, float] | None

Specimen location in container.


Tuple[float, float, float]

Return type

types.UnionType[str, tuple[float, float, float], None]

property specimen_preparation_steps: list[highdicom.content.SpecimenPreparationStep]

Specimen preparation steps.



Return type


property specimen_short_description: str | None

Short description of specimen.



Return type

types.UnionType[str, None]

property specimen_type: highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept | None

Specimen type.



Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, None]

property specimen_uid: UID

Unique specimen identifier.



Return type


class highdicom.SpecimenPreparationStep(specimen_id, processing_procedure, processing_description=None, processing_datetime=None, issuer_of_specimen_id=None, fixative=None, embedding_medium=None, specimen_container=None, specimen_type=None)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing a specimen preparation step according to structured reporting template TID 8001 Specimen Preparation.

property embedding_medium: highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept | None

Tissue embedding medium



Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, None]

property fixative: highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept | None

Tissue fixative



Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, None]

classmethod from_dataset(dataset)

Construct object from an existing dataset.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset


Specimen Preparation Step

Return type


property issuer_of_specimen_id: str | None

Issuer of specimen id



Return type

types.UnionType[str, None]

property processing_datetime: datetime.datetime | None

Processing datetime



Return type

types.UnionType[datetime.datetime, None]

property processing_description: str | highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept | None

Processing description


Union[str, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]

Return type

types.UnionType[str, highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, None]

property processing_procedure: highdicom.content.SpecimenCollection | highdicom.content.SpecimenSampling | highdicom.content.SpecimenStaining | highdicom.content.SpecimenProcessing

Union[highdicom.SpecimenCollection, highdicom.SpecimenSampling, highdicom.SpecimenStaining, highdicom.SpecimenProcessing]:

Procedure used during processing

Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.content.SpecimenCollection, highdicom.content.SpecimenSampling, highdicom.content.SpecimenStaining, highdicom.content.SpecimenProcessing]

property processing_type: CodedConcept

Processing type



Return type


property specimen_container: highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept | None

Specimen container



Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, None]

property specimen_id: str

Specimen identifier



Return type


property specimen_type: highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept | None

Specimen type



Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, None]

class highdicom.SpecimenProcessing(description)

Bases: ContentSequence

Sequence of SR content items describing a specimen processing procedure.


description (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept, str]) – Description of the processing


Append a content item to the sequence.


item (highdicom.sr.ContentItem) – SR Content Item

Return type


property description: CodedConcept

Processing step description



Return type



Extend multiple content items to the sequence.


val (Iterable[highdicom.sr.ContentItem, highdicom.sr.ContentSequence]) – SR Content Items

Return type



Find contained content items given their name.


name (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]) – Name of SR Content Items


Matched content items

Return type


classmethod from_sequence(sequence, is_root=False, is_sr=True, copy=True)

Construct object from a sequence of datasets.

  • sequence (Sequence[pydicom.dataset.Dataset]) – Datasets representing SR Content Items

  • is_root (bool, optional) – Whether the sequence is used to contain SR Content Items that are intended to be added to an SR document at the root of the document content tree

  • is_sr (bool, optional) – Whether the sequence is use to contain SR Content Items that are intended to be added to an SR document as opposed to other types of IODs based on an acquisition, protocol or workflow context template

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying sequence is deep-copied such that the original sequence remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original sequence in place.


Content Sequence containing SR Content Items

Return type



Get content items that represent nodes in the content tree.

A node is hereby defined as a content item that has a ContentSequence attribute.


Matched content items

Return type



Get the index of a given item.


val (highdicom.sr.ContentItem) – SR Content Item



Return type

Index of the item in the sequence

insert(position, val)

Insert a content item into the sequence at a given position.

Return type


property is_root: bool

whether the sequence is intended for use at the root of the SR content tree.



Return type


property is_sr: bool

whether the sequence is intended for use in an SR document



Return type


class highdicom.SpecimenSampling(method, parent_specimen_id, parent_specimen_type, issuer_of_parent_specimen_id=None)

Bases: ContentSequence

Sequence of SR content items describing a specimen sampling procedure.

See SR template TID 8002 Specimen Sampling.

  • method (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]) – Method used to sample the examined specimen from a parent specimen

  • parent_specimen_id (str) – Identifier of the parent specimen

  • parent_specimen_type (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]) – Type of the parent specimen

  • issuer_of_parent_specimen_id (highdicom.IssuerOfIdentifier, optional) – Issuer who created the parent specimen


Append a content item to the sequence.


item (highdicom.sr.ContentItem) – SR Content Item

Return type



Extend multiple content items to the sequence.


val (Iterable[highdicom.sr.ContentItem, highdicom.sr.ContentSequence]) – SR Content Items

Return type



Find contained content items given their name.


name (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]) – Name of SR Content Items


Matched content items

Return type


classmethod from_sequence(sequence, is_root=False, is_sr=True, copy=True)

Construct object from a sequence of datasets.

  • sequence (Sequence[pydicom.dataset.Dataset]) – Datasets representing SR Content Items

  • is_root (bool, optional) – Whether the sequence is used to contain SR Content Items that are intended to be added to an SR document at the root of the document content tree

  • is_sr (bool, optional) – Whether the sequence is use to contain SR Content Items that are intended to be added to an SR document as opposed to other types of IODs based on an acquisition, protocol or workflow context template

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying sequence is deep-copied such that the original sequence remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original sequence in place.


Content Sequence containing SR Content Items

Return type



Get content items that represent nodes in the content tree.

A node is hereby defined as a content item that has a ContentSequence attribute.


Matched content items

Return type



Get the index of a given item.


val (highdicom.sr.ContentItem) – SR Content Item



Return type

Index of the item in the sequence

insert(position, val)

Insert a content item into the sequence at a given position.

Return type


property is_root: bool

whether the sequence is intended for use at the root of the SR content tree.



Return type


property is_sr: bool

whether the sequence is intended for use in an SR document



Return type


property method: CodedConcept

Sampling method



Return type


property parent_specimen_id: str

Parent specimen identifier



Return type


property parent_specimen_type: CodedConcept

Parent specimen type



Return type


class highdicom.SpecimenStaining(substances)

Bases: ContentSequence

Sequence of SR content items describing a specimen staining procedure

See SR template TID 8003 Specimen Staining.


substances (Sequence[Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept, str]]) – Substances used to stain examined specimen(s)


Append a content item to the sequence.


item (highdicom.sr.ContentItem) – SR Content Item

Return type



Extend multiple content items to the sequence.


val (Iterable[highdicom.sr.ContentItem, highdicom.sr.ContentSequence]) – SR Content Items

Return type



Find contained content items given their name.


name (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]) – Name of SR Content Items


Matched content items

Return type


classmethod from_sequence(sequence, is_root=False, is_sr=True, copy=True)

Construct object from a sequence of datasets.

  • sequence (Sequence[pydicom.dataset.Dataset]) – Datasets representing SR Content Items

  • is_root (bool, optional) – Whether the sequence is used to contain SR Content Items that are intended to be added to an SR document at the root of the document content tree

  • is_sr (bool, optional) – Whether the sequence is use to contain SR Content Items that are intended to be added to an SR document as opposed to other types of IODs based on an acquisition, protocol or workflow context template

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying sequence is deep-copied such that the original sequence remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original sequence in place.


Content Sequence containing SR Content Items

Return type



Get content items that represent nodes in the content tree.

A node is hereby defined as a content item that has a ContentSequence attribute.


Matched content items

Return type



Get the index of a given item.


val (highdicom.sr.ContentItem) – SR Content Item



Return type

Index of the item in the sequence

insert(position, val)

Insert a content item into the sequence at a given position.

Return type


property is_root: bool

whether the sequence is intended for use at the root of the SR content tree.



Return type


property is_sr: bool

whether the sequence is intended for use in an SR document



Return type


property substances: list[highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept]

Substances used for staining



Return type


class highdicom.UID(value: str | None = None)

Bases: UID

Unique DICOM identifier.

If an object is constructed without a value being provided, a value will be automatically generated using the highdicom-specific root.

Setup new instance of the class.

  • val (str or pydicom.uid.UID) – The UID string to use to create the UID object.

  • validation_mode (int) – Defines if values are validated and how validation errors are handled.


The UID object.

Return type


classmethod from_uuid(uuid)

Create a DICOM UID from a UUID using the 2.25 root.


uuid (str) – UUID



Return type



>>> from uuid import uuid4
>>> import highdicom as hd
>>> uuid = str(uuid4())
>>> uid = hd.UID.from_uuid(uuid)
property info: str

Return the UID info from the UID dictionary.

Return type


property is_compressed: bool

Return True if a compressed transfer syntax UID.

Return type


property is_deflated: bool

Return True if a deflated transfer syntax UID.

Return type


property is_encapsulated: bool

Return True if an encasulated transfer syntax UID.

Return type


property is_implicit_VR: bool

Return True if an implicit VR transfer syntax UID.

Return type


property is_little_endian: bool

Return True if a little endian transfer syntax UID.

Return type


property is_private: bool

Return True if the UID isn’t an officially registered DICOM UID.

Return type


property is_retired: bool

Return True if the UID is retired, False otherwise or if private.

Return type


property is_transfer_syntax: bool

Return True if a transfer syntax UID.

Return type


property is_valid: bool

Return True if self is a valid UID, False otherwise.

Return type


property keyword: str

Return the UID keyword from the UID dictionary.

Return type


property name: str

Return the UID name from the UID dictionary.

Return type


set_private_encoding(implicit_vr, little_endian)

Set the corresponding dataset encoding for a privately defined transfer syntax.

New in version 3.0.

  • implicit_vr (bool) – True if the corresponding dataset encoding uses implicit VR, False for explicit VR.

  • little_endian (bool) – True if the corresponding dataset encoding uses little endian byte order, False for big endian byte order.

Return type


property type: str

Return the UID type from the UID dictionary.

Return type


class highdicom.UniversalEntityIDTypeValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for Universal Entity ID Type attribute.


An Internet dotted name. Either in ASCII or as integers.

EUI64 = 'EUI64'

An IEEE Extended Unique Identifier.


An International Standards Organization Object Identifier.


Uniform Resource Identifier.


The DCE Universal Unique Identifier.

X400 = 'X400'

An X.400 MHS identifier.

X500 = 'X500'

An X.500 directory name.

class highdicom.VOILUT(first_mapped_value, lut_data, lut_explanation=None)

Bases: LUT

Dataset describing an item of the VOI LUT Sequence.

  • first_mapped_value (int) – Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup-table.

  • lut_data (numpy.ndarray) – Lookup table data. Must be of type uint16.

  • lut_explanation (Union[str, None], optional) – Free-form text explanation of the meaning of the LUT.

apply(array, dtype=None)

Apply the LUT to a pixel array.

  • apply (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel array to which the LUT should be applied. Can be of any shape but must have an integer datatype.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Datatype of the output array. If None, an unsigned integer datatype corresponding to the number of bits in the LUT will be used (either numpy.uint8 or numpy.uint16). Only safe casts are permitted.


Array with LUT applied.

Return type


property bits_per_entry: int

Bits allocated for the lookup table data. 8 or 16.



Return type


property first_mapped_value: int

Pixel value that will be mapped to the first value in the lookup table.



Return type


classmethod from_dataset(dataset, copy=True)

Create a LUT from an existing Dataset.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset representing a LUT.

  • copy (bool) – If True, the underlying dataset is deep-copied such that the original dataset remains intact. If False, this operation will alter the original dataset in place.


Constructed object

Return type



Get LUT data array with output values inverted within the same range.

This returns the LUT data inverted within its original range. So if the original LUT data has output values in the range 10-20 inclusive, then the entries with output value 10 will be mapped to 20, the entries with output value 11 will be mapped to value 19, and so on until the entries with value 20 are mapped to 10.


Inverted LUT data array, with the same size and data type as the original array.

Return type


get_scaled_lut_data(output_range=(0.0, 1.0), dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, invert=False)

Get LUT data array with output values scaled to a given range.

  • output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Tuple containing (lower, upper) value of the range into which to scale the output values. The lowest value in the LUT data will be mapped to the lower limit, and the highest value will be mapped to the upper limit, with a linear scaling used elsewhere.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Data type of the returned array (must be a floating point NumPy data type).

  • invert (bool, optional) – Invert the returned array such that the lowest original value in the LUT is mapped to the upper limit and the highest original value is mapped to the lower limit. This may be used to efficiently combined a LUT with a Resentation transform that inverts the range.


Rescaled LUT data array.

Return type


property lut_data: ndarray

LUT data



Return type


property number_of_entries: int

Number of entries in the lookup table.



Return type


class highdicom.VOILUTFunctionValues(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for attribute VOI LUT Function.

class highdicom.VOILUTTransformation(window_center=None, window_width=None, window_explanation=None, voi_lut_function=None, voi_luts=None)

Bases: Dataset

Dataset describing the VOI LUT Transformation as part of the Pixel Transformation Sequence to transform modality pixel values into pixel values that are of interest to a user or an application.

  • window_center (Union[float, Sequence[float], None], optional) – Center value of the intensity window used for display.

  • window_width (Union[float, Sequence[float], None], optional) – Width of the intensity window used for display.

  • window_explanation (Union[str, Sequence[str], None], optional) – Free-form explanation of the window center and width.

  • voi_lut_function (Union[highdicom.VOILUTFunctionValues, str, None], optional) – Description of the LUT function parametrized by window_center. and window_width.

  • voi_luts (Union[Sequence[highdicom.VOILUT], None], optional) – Intensity lookup tables used for display.


Either window_center and window_width should be provided or voi_luts should be provided, or both. window_explanation should only be provided if window_center is provided.

apply(array, output_range=(0.0, 1.0), voi_transform_selector=0, dtype=None, invert=False, prefer_lut=False)

Apply the transformation to an array.

  • apply (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel array to which the transformation should be applied. Can be of any shape but must have an integer datatype if the transformation uses a LUT.

  • output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Range of output values to which the VOI range is mapped.

  • voi_transform_selector (int | str, optional) – Specification of the VOI transform to select (multiple may be present). May either be an int or a str. If an int, it is interpreted as a (zero-based) index of the list of VOI transforms to apply. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string that will be used to match the Window Center Width Explanation or the LUT Explanation to choose from multiple VOI transforms. Note that such explanations are optional according to the standard and therefore may not be present.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype, None], optional) – Data type the output array. Should be a floating point data type. If not specified, numpy.float64 is used.

  • invert (bool, optional) – Invert the returned array such that the lowest original value in the LUT or input window is mapped to the upper limit and the highest original value is mapped to the lower limit. This may be used to efficiently combined a VOI LUT transformation with a presentation transform that inverts the range.

  • prefer_lut (bool, optional) – If True and the transformation contains both a LUT and a window parameters, apply the LUT. If False and both a LUT and window parameters are present, apply the window.


Array with transformation applied.

Return type



Determine whether the transformation contains a lookup table.


True if the transformation contains a look-up table. False otherwise, when the mapping is represented by window center and width defining a linear relationship. Note that it is possible for a transformation to contain both a LUT and window parameters.

Return type



Determine whether the transformation contains window parameters.


True if the transformation contains one or more sets of window parameters defining a linear relationship. False otherwise, when the mapping is represented by a lookup table. Note that it is possible for a transformation to contain both a LUT and window parameters.

Return type


class highdicom.Volume(array, affine, coordinate_system, frame_of_reference_uid=None, channels=None)

Bases: _VolumeBase

Class representing an array of regularly-spaced frames in 3D space.

This class combines a NumPy array with an affine matrix describing the location of the voxels in the frame-of-reference coordinate space. A Volume is not a DICOM object itself, but represents a volume that may be extracted from DICOM image, and/or encoded within a DICOM object, potentially following any number of processing steps.

All such volumes have a geometry that exists either within DICOM’s patient coordinate system or its slide coordinate system, both of which clearly define the meaning of the three spatial axes of the frame of reference coordinate system.

All volume arrays have three spatial dimensions. They may optionally have further non-spatial dimensions, known as “channel” dimensions, whose meaning is explicitly specified.

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – Array of voxel data. Must be at least 3D. The first three dimensions are the three spatial dimensions, and any subsequent dimensions are channel dimensions. Any datatype is permitted.

  • affine (numpy.ndarray) – 4 x 4 affine matrix representing the transformation from pixel indices (slice index, row index, column index) to the frame-of-reference coordinate system. The top left 3 x 3 matrix should be a scaled orthogonal matrix representing the rotation and scaling. The top right 3 x 1 vector represents the translation component. The last row should have value [0, 0, 0, 1].

  • coordinate_system (highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | str) – Coordinate system ("PATIENT" or "SLIDE" in which the volume is defined).

  • frame_of_reference_uid (Optional[str], optional) – Frame of reference UID for the frame of reference, if known.

  • channels (dict[int | str | ChannelDescriptor, Sequence[int | str | float | Enum]] | None, optional) – Specification of channels of the array. Channels are additional dimensions of the array beyond the three spatial dimensions. For each such additional dimension (if any), an item in this dictionary is required to specify the meaning. The dictionary key specifies the meaning of the dimension, which must be either an instance of highdicom.ChannelDescriptor, specifying a DICOM tag whose attribute describes the channel, a a DICOM keyword describing a DICOM attribute, or an integer representing the tag of a DICOM attribute. The corresponding item of the dictionary is a sequence giving the value of the relevant attribute at each index in the array. The insertion order of the dictionary is significant as it is used to match items to the corresponding dimensions of the array (the first item in the dictionary corresponds to axis 3 of the array and so on).

property affine: ndarray

4x4 affine transformation matrix

This matrix maps an index of the array into a position in the LPS frame-of-reference coordinate space.



Return type


property array: ndarray

Volume array.



Return type



Get new volume with a new datatype.


dtype (type) – A numpy datatype for the new volume.


New volume with given datatype, and metadata copied from this volume.

Return type


property center_indices: tuple[float, float, float]

Array index of center of the volume, as floats with sub-voxel precision.

Results are continuous zero-based array indices.

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]


  • x (float) – First array index of the volume center.

  • y (float) – Second array index of the volume center.

  • z (float) – Third array index of the volume center.

property center_position: tuple[float, float, float]

Get frame-of-reference coordinates of the volume’s center.

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]


  • x (float) – Frame of reference x coordinate of the volume center.

  • y (float) – Frame of reference y coordinate of the volume center.

  • z (float) – Frame of reference z coordinate of the volume center.

property channel_descriptors: tuple[highdicom.volume.ChannelDescriptor, ...]

tuple[highdicom.ChannelDescriptor] Descriptor of each channel.

Return type

tuple[highdicom.volume.ChannelDescriptor, ...]

property channel_shape: tuple[int, ...]

Channel shape of the array.

Does not include the spatial dimensions.


Tuple[int, …]

Return type

tuple[int, ...]

clip(a_min, a_max)

Clip voxel intensities to lie within a given range.

  • a_min (Union[float, None]) – Lower value to clip. May be None if no lower clipping is to be applied. Voxel intensities below this value are set to this value.

  • a_max (Union[float, None]) – Upper value to clip. May be None if no upper clipping is to be applied. Voxel intensities above this value are set to this value.


Volume with clipped intensities.

Return type


property coordinate_system: CoordinateSystemNames

highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | str: Coordinate system ("PATIENT" or "SLIDE") in which the volume is defined).

Return type



Get an unaltered copy of the volume.


Copy of the original volume.

Return type



Center-crop volume to a given spatial shape.


spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Sequence of three integers specifying the spatial shape to crop to. This shape must be no larger than the existing shape along any of the three spatial dimensions.


Volume with padding applied.

Return type


property direction: ndarray


Direction matrix for the volume. The columns of the direction matrix are orthogonal unit vectors that give the direction in the frame of reference space of the increasing direction of each axis of the array.

Return type


property direction_cosines: tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]

Tuple[float, float, float, float, float float]:

Tuple of 6 floats giving the direction cosines of the vector along the rows and the vector along the columns, matching the format of the DICOM Image Orientation Patient and Image Orientation Slide attributes.

Assumes that frames are stacked down axis 0, rows down axis 1, and columns down axis 2 (the convention used to create volumes from images).

Return type

tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]

property dtype: type

Datatype of the array.



Return type


ensure_handedness(handedness, *, flip_axis=None, swap_axes=None)

Manipulate the volume if necessary to ensure a given handedness.

If the volume already has the specified handedness, it is returned unaltered.

If the volume does not meet the requirement, the volume is manipulated using a user specified operation to meet the requirement. The two options are reversing the direction of a single axis (“flipping”) or swapping the position of two axes.

  • handedness (highdicom.AxisHandedness) – Handedness to ensure.

  • flip_axis (Union[int, None], optional) – Specification of a spatial axis index (0, 1, or 2) to flip if required to meet the given handedness requirement.

  • swap_axes (Union[Sequence[int], None], optional) – Specification of a sequence of two spatial axis indices (each being 0, 1, or 2) to swap if required to meet the given handedness requirement.


New volume with corrected handedness.

Return type



Either flip_axis or swap_axes must be provided (and not both) to specify the operation to perform to correct the handedness (if required).


Flip the spatial axes of the array.

Note that this flips the array and updates the affine to reflect the flip.


axes (Union[int, Sequence[int]]) – Axis or list of axis indices that should be flipped. These should include only the spatial axes (0, 1, and/or 2).


New volume with spatial axes flipped as requested.

Return type


property frame_of_reference_uid: highdicom.uid.UID | None

Frame of reference UID.


Union[highdicom.UID, None]

Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.uid.UID, None]

classmethod from_attributes(*, array, image_position, image_orientation, pixel_spacing, spacing_between_slices, coordinate_system, frame_of_reference_uid=None, channels=None)

Create a volume from DICOM attributes.

The resulting geometry assumes that the frames of the image whose attributes are used are stacked down axis 0, the rows down axis 1, and the columns down axis 2. Furthermore, frames will be stacked such that the resulting geometry forms a right-handed coordinate system in the frame-of-reference coordinate system.

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – Three dimensional array of voxel data. The first dimension indexes slices, the second dimension indexes rows, and the final dimension indexes columns.

  • image_position (Sequence[float]) – Position in the frame of reference space of the center of the top left pixel of the image. Corresponds to DICOM attributes “ImagePositionPatient”. Should be a sequence of length 3.

  • image_orientation (Sequence[float]) – Cosines of the row direction (first triplet: horizontal, left to right, increasing column index) and the column direction (second triplet: vertical, top to bottom, increasing row index) direction expressed in the three-dimensional patient or slide coordinate system defined by the frame of reference. Corresponds to the DICOM attribute “ImageOrientationPatient”.

  • pixel_spacing (Sequence[float]) – Spacing between pixels in millimeter unit along the column direction (first value: spacing between rows, vertical, top to bottom, increasing row index) and the row direction (second value: spacing between columns: horizontal, left to right, increasing column index). Corresponds to DICOM attribute “PixelSpacing”.

  • spacing_between_slices (float) – Spacing between slices in millimeter units in the frame of reference coordinate system space. Corresponds to the DICOM attribute “SpacingBetweenSlices” (however, this may not be present in many images and may need to be inferred from “ImagePositionPatient” attributes of consecutive slices).

  • coordinate_system (highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | str) – Coordinate system ("PATIENT" or "SLIDE" in which the volume is defined).

  • frame_of_reference_uid (Union[str, None], optional) – Frame of reference UID, if known. Corresponds to DICOM attribute FrameOfReferenceUID.

  • channels (dict[int | str | ChannelDescriptor, Sequence[int | str | float | Enum]] | None, optional) – Specification of channels of the array. Channels are additional dimensions of the array beyond the three spatial dimensions. For each such additional dimension (if any), an item in this dictionary is required to specify the meaning. The dictionary key specifies the meaning of the dimension, which must be either an instance of highdicom.ChannelDescriptor, specifying a DICOM tag whose attribute describes the channel, a a DICOM keyword describing a DICOM attribute, or an integer representing the tag of a DICOM attribute. The corresponding item of the dictionary is a sequence giving the value of the relevant attribute at each index in the array. The insertion order of the dictionary is significant as it is used to match items to the corresponding dimensions of the array (the first item in the dictionary corresponds to axis 3 of the array and so on).


New Volume using the given array and DICOM attributes.

Return type


classmethod from_components(array, *, spacing, coordinate_system, position=None, center_position=None, direction=None, patient_orientation=None, frame_of_reference_uid=None, channels=None)

Construct a Volume from components of the affine matrix.

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – Three dimensional array of voxel data.

  • spacing (Sequence[float]) – Spacing between pixel centers in the the frame of reference coordinate system along each of the dimensions of the array. Should be either a sequence of length 3 to give the values along the three spatial dimensions, or a single float value to be shared by all spatial dimensions.

  • coordinate_system (highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | str) – Coordinate system ("PATIENT" or "SLIDE" in which the volume is defined).

  • position (Sequence[float]) – Sequence of three floats giving the position in the frame of reference coordinate system of the center of the voxel at location (0, 0, 0).

  • center_position (Sequence[float]) – Sequence of three floats giving the position in the frame of reference coordinate system of the center of the volume. Note that the center of the volume will not lie at the center of any particular voxel unless the shape of the array is odd along all three spatial dimensions. Incompatible with position.

  • direction (Sequence[float]) – Direction matrix for the volume. The columns of the direction matrix are orthogonal unit vectors that give the direction in the frame of reference space of the increasing direction of each axis of the array. This matrix may be passed either as a 3x3 matrix or a flattened 9 element array (first row, second row, third row).

  • patient_orientation (Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped]]]) – Patient orientation used to define an axis-aligned direction matrix, as either a sequence of three highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped values, or a string such as "FPL" using the same characters. Incompatible with direction.

  • frame_of_reference_uid (Union[str, None], optional) – Frame of reference UID for the frame of reference, if known.

  • channels (dict[int | str | ChannelDescriptor, Sequence[int | str | float | Enum]] | None, optional) – Specification of channels of the array. Channels are additional dimensions of the array beyond the three spatial dimensions. For each such additional dimension (if any), an item in this dictionary is required to specify the meaning. The dictionary key specifies the meaning of the dimension, which must be either an instance of highdicom.ChannelDescriptor, specifying a DICOM tag whose attribute describes the channel, a a DICOM keyword describing a DICOM attribute, or an integer representing the tag of a DICOM attribute. The corresponding item of the dictionary is a sequence giving the value of the relevant attribute at each index in the array. The insertion order of the dictionary is significant as it is used to match items to the corresponding dimensions of the array (the first item in the dictionary corresponds to axis 3 of the array and so on).


Volume constructed from the provided components.

Return type


geometry_equal(other, tol=1e-05)

Determine whether two volumes have the same geometry.

  • other (Union[highdicom.Volume, highdicom.VolumeGeometry]) – Volume or volume geometry to which this volume should be compared.

  • tol (Union[float, None], optional) – Absolute Tolerance used to determine equality of affine matrices. If None, affine matrices must match exactly.


True if the geometries match (up to the specified tolerance). False otherwise.

Return type



Get affine matrix in a particular convention.

Note that DICOM uses the left-posterior-superior (“LPS”) convention relative to the patient, in which the increasing direction of the first moves from the patient’s right to left, the increasing direction of the second axis moves from the patient’s anterior to posterior, and the increasing direction of the third axis moves from the patient’s inferior (foot) to superior (head). In highdicom, this is represented by the string "LPH" (left-posterior-head). Since highdicom volumes follow this convention, the affine matrix is stored internally as a matrix that maps array indices into coordinates along these three axes.

This method allows you to get the affine matrix that maps the same array indices into coordinates in a frame-of-reference that uses a different convention. Another convention in widespread use is the "RAH" (aka “RAS”) convention used by the Nifti file format and many neuro-image analysis tools.


output_convention (str | Sequence[str | highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped] | None) – Description of a convention for defining patient-relative frame-of-reference consisting of three directions, either L or R, either A or P, and either F or H, in any order. May be passed either as a tuple of highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped values or the single-letter codes representing them, or the same characters as a single three-character string, such as "RAH".


4x4 affine transformation matrix mapping augmented voxel indices to frame-of-reference coordinates defined by the chosen convention.

Return type


get_channel(*, keepdims=False, **kwargs)

Get a volume corresponding to a particular channel along one or more dimensions.

  • keepdims (bool) – Whether to keep a singleton dimension in the output volume.

  • kwargs (dict[str, str | int | float | Enum]) – kwargs where the keyword is the keyword of a channel present in the volume and the value is the channel value along that channel.


Volume representing a single channel of the original volume.

Return type



Get channel values along a particular dimension.


channel_identifier (highdicom.ChannelDescriptor | int | str) – Identifier of a channel within the image.


Copy of channel values along the selected dimension.

Return type

list[str | int | float | Enum]


Get patient orientation codes that best represent the affine.

Note that this is not valid if the volume is not defined within the patient coordinate system.


Tuple giving the closest patient orientation.

Return type

Tuple[highdicom.enum.PatientOrientationValuesBiped, highdicom.enum.PatientOrientationValuesBiped, highdicom.enum.PatientOrientationValuesBiped]


Get geometry for this volume.


Geometry object matching this volume.

Return type



Get pixel measures sequence for the volume.

This assumes that the volume is encoded in a DICOM file with frames down axis 0, rows stacked down axis 1, and columns stacked down axis 2.


Pixel measures sequence for the volume.

Return type



Get plane orientation sequence for the volume.

This assumes that the volume is encoded in a DICOM file with frames down axis 0, rows stacked down axis 1, and columns stacked down axis 2.


Plane orientation sequence.

Return type



Get plane position of a given plane.


plane_number (int) – Zero-based plane index (down the first dimension of the array).


Plane position of the plane.

Return type



Get plane positions of all planes in the volume.

This assumes that the volume is encoded in a DICOM file with frames down axis 0, rows stacked down axis 1, and columns stacked down axis 2.


Plane position of the all planes (stacked down axis 0 of the volume).

Return type


property handedness: AxisHandedness

Axis handedness of the volume.

This indicates whether the volume’s three spatial axes form a right-handed or left-handed coordinate system in the frame-of-reference space.



Return type


property inverse_affine: ndarray

4x4 inverse affine transformation matrix

Inverse of the affine matrix. This matrix maps a position in the LPS frame of reference coordinate space into an index into the array.



Return type



Transform image pixel indices to frame-of-reference coordinates.


indices (numpy.ndarray) – Array of zero-based array indices. Array of integer values with shape (n, 3), where n is the number of indices, the first column represents the column index and the second column represents the row index.


Array of (x, y, z) coordinates in the coordinate system defined by the frame of reference. Array has shape (n, 3), where n is the number of coordinates, the first column represents the x offsets, the second column represents the y offsets and the third column represents the z offsets

Return type



ValueError – When indices has incorrect shape.

map_reference_to_indices(coordinates, round_output=False, check_bounds=False)

Transform frame of reference coordinates into array indices.


coordinates (numpy.ndarray) – Array of (x, y, z) coordinates in the coordinate system defined by the frame of reference. Array has shape (n, 3), where n is the number of coordinates, the first column represents the X offsets, the second column represents the Y offsets and the third column represents the Z offsets

Return type



  • numpy.ndarray – Array of zero-based array indices at pixel resolution. Array of integer or floating point values with shape (n, 3), where n is the number of indices. The datatype of the array will be integer if round_output is True (the default), or float if round_output is False.

  • round_output (bool, optional) – Whether to round the output to the nearest voxel. If True, the output will have integer datatype. If False, the returned array will have floating point data type and sub-voxel precision.

  • check_bounds (bool, optional) – Whether to check that the returned indices lie within the bounds of the array. If True, a RuntimeError will be raised if the resulting array indices (before rounding) lie out of the bounds of the array.


The returned pixel indices may be negative if coordinates fall outside of the array.

  • ValueError – When indices has incorrect shape.

  • RuntimeError – If check_bounds is True and any map coordinate lies outside the bounds of the array.

match_geometry(other, *, mode=PadModes.CONSTANT, constant_value=0.0, per_channel=False, tol=1e-05)

Match the geometry of this volume to another.

This performs a combination of permuting, padding and cropping, and flipping (in that order) such that the geometry of this volume matches that of other. Notably, the voxels are not resampled. If the geometry cannot be matched using these operations, then a RuntimeError is raised.


other (Union[highdicom.Volume, highdicom.VolumeGeometry]) – Volume or volume geometry to which this volume should be matched.


New volume formed by matching the geometry of this volume to that of other.

Return type



RuntimeError: – If the geometries cannot be matched without resampling the array.

property nearest_center_indices: tuple[int, int, int]

Array index of center of the volume, rounded down to the nearest integer value.

Results are discrete zero-based array indices.

Return type

tuple[int, int, int]


  • x (int) – First array index of the volume center.

  • y (int) – Second array index of the volume center.

  • z (int) – Third array index of the volume center.

normalize_mean_std(per_channel=True, output_mean=0.0, output_std=1.0)

Normalize the intensities using the mean and variance.

The resulting volume has zero mean and unit variance.

  • per_channel (bool, optional) – If True (the default), each channel along each channel dimension is normalized by its own mean and variance. If False, all channels are normalized together using the overall mean and variance.

  • output_mean (float, optional) – The mean value of the output array (or channel), after scaling.

  • output_std (float, optional) – The standard deviation of the output array (or channel), after scaling.


Volume with normalized intensities. Note that the dtype will be promoted to floating point.

Return type


normalize_min_max(output_min=0.0, output_max=1.0, per_channel=False)

Normalize by mapping its full intensity range to a fixed range.

Other pixel values are scaled linearly within this range.

  • output_min (float, optional) – The value to which the minimum intensity is mapped.

  • output_max (float, optional) – The value to which the maximum intensity is mapped.

  • per_channel (bool, optional) – If True, each channel along each channel dimension is normalized by its own min and max. If False (the default), all channels are normalized together using the overall min and max.


Volume with normalized intensities. Note that the dtype will be promoted to floating point.

Return type


property number_of_channel_dimensions: int

Number of channel dimensions.



Return type


pad(pad_width, *, mode=PadModes.CONSTANT, constant_value=0.0, per_channel=False)

Pad volume along the three spatial dimensions.

  • pad_width (Union[int, Sequence[int], Sequence[Sequence[int]]]) –

    Values to pad the array. Takes the same form as numpy.pad(). May be:

    • A single integer value, which results in that many voxels being added to the beginning and end of all three spatial dimensions, or

    • A sequence of two values in the form [before, after], which results in ‘before’ voxels being added to the beginning of each of the three spatial dimensions, and ‘after’ voxels being added to the end of each of the three spatial dimensions, or

    • A nested sequence of integers of the form [[pad1], [pad2], [pad3]], in which separate padding values are supplied for each of the three spatial axes and used to pad before and after along those axes, or

    • A nested sequence of integers in the form [[before1, after1], [before2, after2], [before3, after3]], in which separate values are supplied for the before and after padding of each of the three spatial dimensions.

    In all cases, all integer values must be non-negative.

  • mode (Union[highdicom.PadModes, str], optional) – Mode to use to pad the array. See highdicom.PadModes for options.

  • constant_value (Union[float, Sequence[float]], optional) – Value used to pad when mode is "CONSTANT". With other pad modes, this argument is ignored.

  • per_channel (bool, optional) – For padding modes that involve calculation of image statistics to determine the padding value (i.e. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, MEAN, MEDIAN), pad each channel separately using the value calculated using that channel alone (rather than the statistics of the entire array). For other padding modes, this argument makes no difference. This should not the True if the image does not have a channel dimension.


Volume with padding applied.

Return type


pad_or_crop_to_spatial_shape(spatial_shape, *, mode=PadModes.CONSTANT, constant_value=0.0, per_channel=False)

Pad and/or crop volume to given spatial shape.

For each dimension where padding is required, the volume is padded symmetrically, placing the original array at the center of the output array, to achieve the given shape. If this requires an odd number of elements to be added along a certain dimension, one more element is placed at the end of the array than at the start.

For each dimension where cropping is required, center cropping is used.

  • spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Sequence of three integers specifying the spatial shape to pad or crop to.

  • mode (highdicom.PadModes, optional) – Mode to use to pad the array, if padding is required. See highdicom.PadModes for options.

  • constant_value (Union[float, Sequence[float]], optional) – Value used to pad when mode is "CONSTANT". If per_channel if True, a sequence whose length is equal to the number of channels may be passed, and each value will be used for the corresponding channel. With other pad modes, this argument is ignored.

  • per_channel (bool, optional) – For padding modes that involve calculation of image statistics to determine the padding value (i.e. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, MEAN, MEDIAN), pad each channel separately using the value calculated using that channel alone (rather than the statistics of the entire array). For other padding modes, this argument makes no difference. This should not the True if the image does not have a channel dimension.


Volume with padding and/or cropping applied.

Return type


pad_to_spatial_shape(spatial_shape, *, mode=PadModes.CONSTANT, constant_value=0.0, per_channel=False)

Pad volume to given spatial shape.

The volume is padded symmetrically, placing the original array at the center of the output array, to achieve the given shape. If this requires an odd number of elements to be added along a certain dimension, one more element is placed at the end of the array than at the start.

  • spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Sequence of three integers specifying the spatial shape to pad to. This shape must be no smaller than the existing shape along any of the three spatial dimensions.

  • mode (highdicom.PadModes, optional) – Mode to use to pad the array. See highdicom.PadModes for options.

  • constant_value (Union[float, Sequence[float]], optional) – Value used to pad when mode is "CONSTANT". If per_channel if True, a sequence whose length is equal to the number of channels may be passed, and each value will be used for the corresponding channel. With other pad modes, this argument is ignored.

  • per_channel (bool, optional) – For padding modes that involve calculation of image statistics to determine the padding value (i.e. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, MEAN, MEDIAN), pad each channel separately using the value calculated using that channel alone (rather than the statistics of the entire array). For other padding modes, this argument makes no difference. This should not the True if the image does not have a channel dimension.


Volume with padding applied.

Return type



Create a new volume by permuting the channel axes.


channel_identifiers (Sequence[pydicom.BaseTag | int | str | highdicom.ChannelDescriptor]) – List of channel identifiers matching those in the volume but in an arbitrary order.


New volume with channel axes permuted in the provided order.

Return type



Create a new volume by permuting the channel axes.


indices (Sequence[int]) – List of integers containing values in the range 0 (inclusive) to the number of channel dimensions (exclusive) in some order, used to permute the channels. A value of i corresponds to the channel given by volume.channel_identifiers[i].


New volume with channel axes permuted in the provided order.

Return type



Create a new volume by permuting the spatial axes.


indices (Sequence[int]) – List of three integers containing the values 0, 1 and 2 in some order. Note that you may not change the position of the channel axis (if present).


New volume with spatial axes permuted in the provided order.

Return type


property physical_extent: tuple[float, float, float]

Side lengths of the volume in millimeters.


tuple[float, float, float]

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]

property physical_volume: float

Total volume in cubic millimeter.



Return type


property pixel_spacing: tuple[float, float]

Tuple[float, float]:

Within-plane pixel spacing in millimeter units. Two values (spacing between rows, spacing between columns), matching the format of the DICOM PixelSpacing attribute.

Assumes that frames are stacked down axis 0, rows down axis 1, and columns down axis 2 (the convention used to create volumes from images).

Return type

tuple[float, float]

property position: tuple[float, float, float]

Tuple[float, float, float]:

Position in the frame of reference space of the center of voxel at indices (0, 0, 0).

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]

random_flip_spatial(axes=(0, 1, 2))

Randomly flip the spatial axes of the array.

Note that this flips the array and updates the affine to reflect the flip.


axes (Union[int, Sequence[int]]) – Axis or list of axis indices that may be flipped. These should include only the spatial axes (0, 1, and/or 2). Each axis in this list is flipped in the output volume with probability 0.5.


New volume with selected spatial axes randomly flipped.

Return type


random_permute_spatial_axes(axes=(0, 1, 2))

Create a new geometry by randomly permuting the spatial axes.


axes (Optional[Sequence[int]]) – Sequence of three integers containing the values 0, 1 and 2 in some order. The sequence must contain 2 or 3 elements. This subset of axes will axes will be included when generating indices for permutation. Any axis not in this sequence will remain in its original position.


New geometry with spatial axes permuted randomly.

Return type



Create a random crop of a certain shape from the volume.


spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Sequence of three integers specifying the spatial shape to pad or crop to.


New volume formed by cropping the volumes.

Return type


property shape: tuple[int, ...]

Shape of the underlying array.

Includes any channel dimensions.


Tuple[int, …]

Return type

tuple[int, ...]

property spacing: tuple[float, float, float]

Tuple[float, float, float]:

Pixel spacing in millimeter units for the three spatial directions. Three values, one for each spatial dimension.

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]

property spacing_between_slices: float


Spacing between consecutive slices in millimeter units.

Assumes that frames are stacked down axis 0, rows down axis 1, and columns down axis 2 (the convention used to create volumes from images).

Return type



Get the vectors along the three array dimensions.

Note that these vectors are not normalized, they have length equal to the spacing along the relevant dimension.

Return type

tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]


  • numpy.ndarray – Vector between voxel centers along the increasing first axis. 1D NumPy array.

  • numpy.ndarray – Vector between voxel centers along the increasing second axis. 1D NumPy array.

  • numpy.ndarray – Vector between voxel centers along the increasing third axis. 1D NumPy array.

property spatial_shape: tuple[int, int, int]

Spatial shape of the array.

Does not include the channel dimensions.


Tuple[int, int, int]

Return type

tuple[int, int, int]


Removes any singleton channel axes.


channel_descriptors (Sequence[str | int | highdicom.ChannelDescriptor] | None) – Identifiers of channels to squeeze. If None, squeeze all singleton channels. Otherwise squeeze only the specified channels and raise an error if any cannot be squeezed.


Volume with channel axis removed.

Return type


swap_spatial_axes(axis_1, axis_2)

Swap two spatial axes of the array.

  • axis_1 (int) – Spatial axis index (0, 1 or 2) to swap with axis_2.

  • axis_2 (int) – Spatial axis index (0, 1 or 2) to swap with axis_1.


New volume with spatial axes swapped as requested.

Return type



Rearrange the array to a given orientation.

The resulting volume is formed from this volume through a combination of axis permutations and flips of the spatial axes. Its patient orientation will be as close to the desired orientation as can be achieved with these operations alone (and in particular without resampling the array).

Note that this is not valid if the volume is not defined within the patient coordinate system.


patient_orientation (Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped]]]) – Desired patient orientation, as either a sequence of three highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped values, or a string such as "FPL" using the same characters.


New volume with the requested patient orientation.

Return type



Get the normalized vectors along the three array dimensions.

Return type

tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]


  • numpy.ndarray – Unit vector along the increasing first axis. 1D NumPy array.

  • numpy.ndarray – Unit vector along the increasing second axis. 1D NumPy array.

  • numpy.ndarray – Unit vector along the increasing third axis. 1D NumPy array.

property voxel_volume: float

The volume of a single voxel in cubic millimeters.



Return type


with_array(array, channels=None)

Get a new volume using a different array.

The spatial and other metadata will be copied from this volume. The original volume will be unaltered.

By default, the new volume will have the same channels (if any) as the existing volume. Different channels may be specified by passing the ‘channels’ parameter.

  • array (np.ndarray) – New 3D or 4D array of voxel data. The spatial shape must match the existing array, but the presence and number of channels and/or the voxel datatype may differ.

  • channels (dict[int | str | ChannelDescriptor, Sequence[int | str | float | Enum]] | None, optional) – Specification of channels as used by the constructor. If not specified, the channels are assumed to match those in the original volume and therefore the array must have the same shape as the array of the original volume.


New volume using the given array and the metadata of this volume.

Return type


class highdicom.VolumeGeometry(affine, spatial_shape, coordinate_system, frame_of_reference_uid=None)

Bases: _VolumeBase

Class encapsulating the geometry of a volume.

Unlike the similar highdicom.Volume, items of this class do not contain voxel data for the underlying volume, just a description of the geometry.

  • affine (numpy.ndarray) – 4 x 4 affine matrix representing the transformation from pixel indices (slice index, row index, column index) to the frame-of-reference coordinate system. The top left 3 x 3 matrix should be a scaled orthogonal matrix representing the rotation and scaling. The top right 3 x 1 vector represents the translation component. The last row should have value [0, 0, 0, 1].

  • spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Number of voxels in the (implied) volume along the three spatial dimensions.

  • coordinate_system (highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | str) – Coordinate system ("PATIENT" or "SLIDE") in which the volume is defined).

  • frame_of_reference_uid (Optional[str], optional) – Frame of reference UID for the frame of reference, if known.

property affine: ndarray

4x4 affine transformation matrix

This matrix maps an index of the array into a position in the LPS frame-of-reference coordinate space.



Return type


property center_indices: tuple[float, float, float]

Array index of center of the volume, as floats with sub-voxel precision.

Results are continuous zero-based array indices.

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]


  • x (float) – First array index of the volume center.

  • y (float) – Second array index of the volume center.

  • z (float) – Third array index of the volume center.

property center_position: tuple[float, float, float]

Get frame-of-reference coordinates of the volume’s center.

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]


  • x (float) – Frame of reference x coordinate of the volume center.

  • y (float) – Frame of reference y coordinate of the volume center.

  • z (float) – Frame of reference z coordinate of the volume center.

property coordinate_system: CoordinateSystemNames

highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | str: Coordinate system ("PATIENT" or "SLIDE") in which the volume is defined).

Return type



Get an unaltered copy of the geometry.


Copy of the original geometry.

Return type



Center-crop volume to a given spatial shape.


spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Sequence of three integers specifying the spatial shape to crop to. This shape must be no larger than the existing shape along any of the three spatial dimensions.


Volume with padding applied.

Return type


property direction: ndarray


Direction matrix for the volume. The columns of the direction matrix are orthogonal unit vectors that give the direction in the frame of reference space of the increasing direction of each axis of the array.

Return type


property direction_cosines: tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]

Tuple[float, float, float, float, float float]:

Tuple of 6 floats giving the direction cosines of the vector along the rows and the vector along the columns, matching the format of the DICOM Image Orientation Patient and Image Orientation Slide attributes.

Assumes that frames are stacked down axis 0, rows down axis 1, and columns down axis 2 (the convention used to create volumes from images).

Return type

tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]

ensure_handedness(handedness, *, flip_axis=None, swap_axes=None)

Manipulate the volume if necessary to ensure a given handedness.

If the volume already has the specified handedness, it is returned unaltered.

If the volume does not meet the requirement, the volume is manipulated using a user specified operation to meet the requirement. The two options are reversing the direction of a single axis (“flipping”) or swapping the position of two axes.

  • handedness (highdicom.AxisHandedness) – Handedness to ensure.

  • flip_axis (Union[int, None], optional) – Specification of a spatial axis index (0, 1, or 2) to flip if required to meet the given handedness requirement.

  • swap_axes (Union[Sequence[int], None], optional) – Specification of a sequence of two spatial axis indices (each being 0, 1, or 2) to swap if required to meet the given handedness requirement.


New volume with corrected handedness.

Return type



Either flip_axis or swap_axes must be provided (and not both) to specify the operation to perform to correct the handedness (if required).


Flip the spatial axes of the array.

Note that this flips the array and updates the affine to reflect the flip.


axes (Union[int, Sequence[int]]) – Axis or list of axis indices that should be flipped. These should include only the spatial axes (0, 1, and/or 2).


New volume with spatial axes flipped as requested.

Return type


property frame_of_reference_uid: highdicom.uid.UID | None

Frame of reference UID.


Union[highdicom.UID, None]

Return type

types.UnionType[highdicom.uid.UID, None]

classmethod from_attributes(*, image_position, image_orientation, rows, columns, pixel_spacing, spacing_between_slices, number_of_frames, coordinate_system, frame_of_reference_uid=None)

Create a volume from DICOM attributes.

The resulting geometry assumes that the frames of the image whose attributes are used are stacked down axis 0, the rows down axis 1, and the columns down axis 2. Furthermore, frames will be stacked such that the resulting geometry forms a right-handed coordinate system in the frame-of-reference coordinate system.

  • image_position (Sequence[float]) – Position in the frame of reference space of the center of the top left pixel of the image. Corresponds to DICOM attributes “ImagePositionPatient”. Should be a sequence of length 3.

  • image_orientation (Sequence[float]) – Cosines of the row direction (first triplet: horizontal, left to right, increasing column index) and the column direction (second triplet: vertical, top to bottom, increasing row index) direction expressed in the three-dimensional patient or slide coordinate system defined by the frame of reference. Corresponds to the DICOM attribute “ImageOrientationPatient”.

  • rows (int) – Number of rows in each frame.

  • columns (int) – Number of columns in each frame.

  • pixel_spacing (Sequence[float]) – Spacing between pixels in millimeter unit along the column direction (first value: spacing between rows, vertical, top to bottom, increasing row index) and the row direction (second value: spacing between columns: horizontal, left to right, increasing column index). Corresponds to DICOM attribute “PixelSpacing”.

  • spacing_between_slices (float) – Spacing between slices in millimeter units in the frame of reference coordinate system space. Corresponds to the DICOM attribute “SpacingBetweenSlices” (however, this may not be present in many images and may need to be inferred from “ImagePositionPatient” attributes of consecutive slices).

  • number_of_frames (int) – Number of frames in the volume.

  • coordinate_system (highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | str) – Coordinate system ("PATIENT" or "SLIDE") in which the volume is defined).

  • frame_of_reference_uid (Union[str, None], optional) – Frame of reference UID, if known. Corresponds to DICOM attribute FrameOfReferenceUID.


New Volume using the given array and DICOM attributes.

Return type


classmethod from_components(spatial_shape, *, spacing, coordinate_system, position=None, center_position=None, direction=None, patient_orientation=None, frame_of_reference_uid=None)

Construct a VolumeGeometry from components of the affine matrix.

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – Three dimensional array of voxel data.

  • spacing (Sequence[float]) – Spacing between pixel centers in the the frame of reference coordinate system along each of the dimensions of the array. Should be either a sequence of length 3 to give the values along the three spatial dimensions, or a single float value to be shared by all spatial dimensions.

  • coordinate_system (highdicom.CoordinateSystemNames | str) – Coordinate system ("PATIENT" or "SLIDE" in which the volume is defined).

  • position (Sequence[float]) – Sequence of three floats giving the position in the frame of reference coordinate system of the center of the voxel at location (0, 0, 0).

  • center_position (Sequence[float]) – Sequence of three floats giving the position in the frame of reference coordinate system of the center of the volume. Note that the center of the volume will not lie at the center of any particular voxel unless the shape of the array is odd along all three spatial dimensions. Incompatible with position.

  • direction (Sequence[float]) – Direction matrix for the volume. The columns of the direction matrix are orthogonal unit vectors that give the direction in the frame of reference space of the increasing direction of each axis of the array. This matrix may be passed either as a 3x3 matrix or a flattened 9 element array (first row, second row, third row).

  • patient_orientation (Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped]]]) – Patient orientation used to define an axis-aligned direction matrix, as either a sequence of three highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped values, or a string such as "FPL" using the same characters. Incompatible with direction.

  • frame_of_reference_uid (Union[str, None], optional) – Frame of reference UID for the frame of reference, if known.

  • channels (dict[int | str | ChannelDescriptor, Sequence[int | str | float | Enum]] | None, optional) – Specification of channels of the array. Channels are additional dimensions of the array beyond the three spatial dimensions. For each such additional dimension (if any), an item in this dictionary is required to specify the meaning. The dictionary key specifies the meaning of the dimension, which must be either an instance of highdicom.ChannelDescriptor, specifying a DICOM tag whose attribute describes the channel, a a DICOM keyword describing a DICOM attribute, or an integer representing the tag of a DICOM attribute. The corresponding item of the dictionary is a sequence giving the value of the relevant attribute at each index in the array. The insertion order of the dictionary is significant as it is used to match items to the corresponding dimensions of the array (the first item in the dictionary corresponds to axis 3 of the array and so on).


Volume constructed from the provided components.

Return type


geometry_equal(other, tol=1e-05)

Determine whether two volumes have the same geometry.

  • other (Union[highdicom.Volume, highdicom.VolumeGeometry]) – Volume or volume geometry to which this volume should be compared.

  • tol (Union[float, None], optional) – Absolute Tolerance used to determine equality of affine matrices. If None, affine matrices must match exactly.


True if the geometries match (up to the specified tolerance). False otherwise.

Return type



Get affine matrix in a particular convention.

Note that DICOM uses the left-posterior-superior (“LPS”) convention relative to the patient, in which the increasing direction of the first moves from the patient’s right to left, the increasing direction of the second axis moves from the patient’s anterior to posterior, and the increasing direction of the third axis moves from the patient’s inferior (foot) to superior (head). In highdicom, this is represented by the string "LPH" (left-posterior-head). Since highdicom volumes follow this convention, the affine matrix is stored internally as a matrix that maps array indices into coordinates along these three axes.

This method allows you to get the affine matrix that maps the same array indices into coordinates in a frame-of-reference that uses a different convention. Another convention in widespread use is the "RAH" (aka “RAS”) convention used by the Nifti file format and many neuro-image analysis tools.


output_convention (str | Sequence[str | highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped] | None) – Description of a convention for defining patient-relative frame-of-reference consisting of three directions, either L or R, either A or P, and either F or H, in any order. May be passed either as a tuple of highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped values or the single-letter codes representing them, or the same characters as a single three-character string, such as "RAH".


4x4 affine transformation matrix mapping augmented voxel indices to frame-of-reference coordinates defined by the chosen convention.

Return type



Get patient orientation codes that best represent the affine.

Note that this is not valid if the volume is not defined within the patient coordinate system.


Tuple giving the closest patient orientation.

Return type

Tuple[highdicom.enum.PatientOrientationValuesBiped, highdicom.enum.PatientOrientationValuesBiped, highdicom.enum.PatientOrientationValuesBiped]


Get pixel measures sequence for the volume.

This assumes that the volume is encoded in a DICOM file with frames down axis 0, rows stacked down axis 1, and columns stacked down axis 2.


Pixel measures sequence for the volume.

Return type



Get plane orientation sequence for the volume.

This assumes that the volume is encoded in a DICOM file with frames down axis 0, rows stacked down axis 1, and columns stacked down axis 2.


Plane orientation sequence.

Return type



Get plane position of a given plane.


plane_number (int) – Zero-based plane index (down the first dimension of the array).


Plane position of the plane.

Return type



Get plane positions of all planes in the volume.

This assumes that the volume is encoded in a DICOM file with frames down axis 0, rows stacked down axis 1, and columns stacked down axis 2.


Plane position of the all planes (stacked down axis 0 of the volume).

Return type


property handedness: AxisHandedness

Axis handedness of the volume.

This indicates whether the volume’s three spatial axes form a right-handed or left-handed coordinate system in the frame-of-reference space.



Return type


property inverse_affine: ndarray

4x4 inverse affine transformation matrix

Inverse of the affine matrix. This matrix maps a position in the LPS frame of reference coordinate space into an index into the array.



Return type



Transform image pixel indices to frame-of-reference coordinates.


indices (numpy.ndarray) – Array of zero-based array indices. Array of integer values with shape (n, 3), where n is the number of indices, the first column represents the column index and the second column represents the row index.


Array of (x, y, z) coordinates in the coordinate system defined by the frame of reference. Array has shape (n, 3), where n is the number of coordinates, the first column represents the x offsets, the second column represents the y offsets and the third column represents the z offsets

Return type



ValueError – When indices has incorrect shape.

map_reference_to_indices(coordinates, round_output=False, check_bounds=False)

Transform frame of reference coordinates into array indices.


coordinates (numpy.ndarray) – Array of (x, y, z) coordinates in the coordinate system defined by the frame of reference. Array has shape (n, 3), where n is the number of coordinates, the first column represents the X offsets, the second column represents the Y offsets and the third column represents the Z offsets

Return type



  • numpy.ndarray – Array of zero-based array indices at pixel resolution. Array of integer or floating point values with shape (n, 3), where n is the number of indices. The datatype of the array will be integer if round_output is True (the default), or float if round_output is False.

  • round_output (bool, optional) – Whether to round the output to the nearest voxel. If True, the output will have integer datatype. If False, the returned array will have floating point data type and sub-voxel precision.

  • check_bounds (bool, optional) – Whether to check that the returned indices lie within the bounds of the array. If True, a RuntimeError will be raised if the resulting array indices (before rounding) lie out of the bounds of the array.


The returned pixel indices may be negative if coordinates fall outside of the array.

  • ValueError – When indices has incorrect shape.

  • RuntimeError – If check_bounds is True and any map coordinate lies outside the bounds of the array.

match_geometry(other, *, mode=PadModes.CONSTANT, constant_value=0.0, per_channel=False, tol=1e-05)

Match the geometry of this volume to another.

This performs a combination of permuting, padding and cropping, and flipping (in that order) such that the geometry of this volume matches that of other. Notably, the voxels are not resampled. If the geometry cannot be matched using these operations, then a RuntimeError is raised.


other (Union[highdicom.Volume, highdicom.VolumeGeometry]) – Volume or volume geometry to which this volume should be matched.


New volume formed by matching the geometry of this volume to that of other.

Return type



RuntimeError: – If the geometries cannot be matched without resampling the array.

property nearest_center_indices: tuple[int, int, int]

Array index of center of the volume, rounded down to the nearest integer value.

Results are discrete zero-based array indices.

Return type

tuple[int, int, int]


  • x (int) – First array index of the volume center.

  • y (int) – Second array index of the volume center.

  • z (int) – Third array index of the volume center.

pad(pad_width, *, mode=PadModes.CONSTANT, constant_value=0.0, per_channel=False)

Pad volume along the three spatial dimensions.

  • pad_width (Union[int, Sequence[int], Sequence[Sequence[int]]]) –

    Values to pad the array. Takes the same form as numpy.pad(). May be:

    • A single integer value, which results in that many voxels being added to the beginning and end of all three spatial dimensions, or

    • A sequence of two values in the form [before, after], which results in ‘before’ voxels being added to the beginning of each of the three spatial dimensions, and ‘after’ voxels being added to the end of each of the three spatial dimensions, or

    • A nested sequence of integers of the form [[pad1], [pad2], [pad3]], in which separate padding values are supplied for each of the three spatial axes and used to pad before and after along those axes, or

    • A nested sequence of integers in the form [[before1, after1], [before2, after2], [before3, after3]], in which separate values are supplied for the before and after padding of each of the three spatial dimensions.

    In all cases, all integer values must be non-negative.

  • mode (Union[highdicom.PadModes, str], optional) – Ignored for highdicom.VolumeGeometry.

  • constant_value (Union[float, Sequence[float]], optional) – Ignored for highdicom.VolumeGeometry.

  • per_channel (bool, optional) – Ignored for highdicom.VolumeGeometry.


Volume with padding applied.

Return type


pad_or_crop_to_spatial_shape(spatial_shape, *, mode=PadModes.CONSTANT, constant_value=0.0, per_channel=False)

Pad and/or crop volume to given spatial shape.

For each dimension where padding is required, the volume is padded symmetrically, placing the original array at the center of the output array, to achieve the given shape. If this requires an odd number of elements to be added along a certain dimension, one more element is placed at the end of the array than at the start.

For each dimension where cropping is required, center cropping is used.

  • spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Sequence of three integers specifying the spatial shape to pad or crop to.

  • mode (highdicom.PadModes, optional) – Mode to use to pad the array, if padding is required. See highdicom.PadModes for options.

  • constant_value (Union[float, Sequence[float]], optional) – Value used to pad when mode is "CONSTANT". If per_channel if True, a sequence whose length is equal to the number of channels may be passed, and each value will be used for the corresponding channel. With other pad modes, this argument is ignored.

  • per_channel (bool, optional) – For padding modes that involve calculation of image statistics to determine the padding value (i.e. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, MEAN, MEDIAN), pad each channel separately using the value calculated using that channel alone (rather than the statistics of the entire array). For other padding modes, this argument makes no difference. This should not the True if the image does not have a channel dimension.


Volume with padding and/or cropping applied.

Return type


pad_to_spatial_shape(spatial_shape, *, mode=PadModes.CONSTANT, constant_value=0.0, per_channel=False)

Pad volume to given spatial shape.

The volume is padded symmetrically, placing the original array at the center of the output array, to achieve the given shape. If this requires an odd number of elements to be added along a certain dimension, one more element is placed at the end of the array than at the start.

  • spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Sequence of three integers specifying the spatial shape to pad to. This shape must be no smaller than the existing shape along any of the three spatial dimensions.

  • mode (highdicom.PadModes, optional) – Mode to use to pad the array. See highdicom.PadModes for options.

  • constant_value (Union[float, Sequence[float]], optional) – Value used to pad when mode is "CONSTANT". If per_channel if True, a sequence whose length is equal to the number of channels may be passed, and each value will be used for the corresponding channel. With other pad modes, this argument is ignored.

  • per_channel (bool, optional) – For padding modes that involve calculation of image statistics to determine the padding value (i.e. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, MEAN, MEDIAN), pad each channel separately using the value calculated using that channel alone (rather than the statistics of the entire array). For other padding modes, this argument makes no difference. This should not the True if the image does not have a channel dimension.


Volume with padding applied.

Return type



Create a new geometry by permuting the spatial axes.


indices (Sequence[int]) – List of three integers containing the values 0, 1 and 2 in some order. Note that you may not change the position of the channel axis (if present).


New geometry with spatial axes permuted in the provided order.

Return type


property physical_extent: tuple[float, float, float]

Side lengths of the volume in millimeters.


tuple[float, float, float]

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]

property physical_volume: float

Total volume in cubic millimeter.



Return type


property pixel_spacing: tuple[float, float]

Tuple[float, float]:

Within-plane pixel spacing in millimeter units. Two values (spacing between rows, spacing between columns), matching the format of the DICOM PixelSpacing attribute.

Assumes that frames are stacked down axis 0, rows down axis 1, and columns down axis 2 (the convention used to create volumes from images).

Return type

tuple[float, float]

property position: tuple[float, float, float]

Tuple[float, float, float]:

Position in the frame of reference space of the center of voxel at indices (0, 0, 0).

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]

random_flip_spatial(axes=(0, 1, 2))

Randomly flip the spatial axes of the array.

Note that this flips the array and updates the affine to reflect the flip.


axes (Union[int, Sequence[int]]) – Axis or list of axis indices that may be flipped. These should include only the spatial axes (0, 1, and/or 2). Each axis in this list is flipped in the output volume with probability 0.5.


New volume with selected spatial axes randomly flipped.

Return type


random_permute_spatial_axes(axes=(0, 1, 2))

Create a new geometry by randomly permuting the spatial axes.


axes (Optional[Sequence[int]]) – Sequence of three integers containing the values 0, 1 and 2 in some order. The sequence must contain 2 or 3 elements. This subset of axes will axes will be included when generating indices for permutation. Any axis not in this sequence will remain in its original position.


New geometry with spatial axes permuted randomly.

Return type



Create a random crop of a certain shape from the volume.


spatial_shape (Sequence[int]) – Sequence of three integers specifying the spatial shape to pad or crop to.


New volume formed by cropping the volumes.

Return type


property shape: tuple[int, ...]

Shape of the underlying array.

For objects of type highdicom.VolumeGeometry, this is equivalent to .shape.


Tuple[int, …]

Return type

tuple[int, ...]

property spacing: tuple[float, float, float]

Tuple[float, float, float]:

Pixel spacing in millimeter units for the three spatial directions. Three values, one for each spatial dimension.

Return type

tuple[float, float, float]

property spacing_between_slices: float


Spacing between consecutive slices in millimeter units.

Assumes that frames are stacked down axis 0, rows down axis 1, and columns down axis 2 (the convention used to create volumes from images).

Return type



Get the vectors along the three array dimensions.

Note that these vectors are not normalized, they have length equal to the spacing along the relevant dimension.

Return type

tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]


  • numpy.ndarray – Vector between voxel centers along the increasing first axis. 1D NumPy array.

  • numpy.ndarray – Vector between voxel centers along the increasing second axis. 1D NumPy array.

  • numpy.ndarray – Vector between voxel centers along the increasing third axis. 1D NumPy array.

property spatial_shape: tuple[int, int, int]

Spatial shape of the array.

Does not include the channel dimension.


Tuple[int, int, int]

Return type

tuple[int, int, int]

swap_spatial_axes(axis_1, axis_2)

Swap two spatial axes of the array.

  • axis_1 (int) – Spatial axis index (0, 1 or 2) to swap with axis_2.

  • axis_2 (int) – Spatial axis index (0, 1 or 2) to swap with axis_1.


New volume with spatial axes swapped as requested.

Return type



Rearrange the array to a given orientation.

The resulting volume is formed from this volume through a combination of axis permutations and flips of the spatial axes. Its patient orientation will be as close to the desired orientation as can be achieved with these operations alone (and in particular without resampling the array).

Note that this is not valid if the volume is not defined within the patient coordinate system.


patient_orientation (Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped]]]) – Desired patient orientation, as either a sequence of three highdicom.PatientOrientationValuesBiped values, or a string such as "FPL" using the same characters.


New volume with the requested patient orientation.

Return type



Get the normalized vectors along the three array dimensions.

Return type

tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]


  • numpy.ndarray – Unit vector along the increasing first axis. 1D NumPy array.

  • numpy.ndarray – Unit vector along the increasing second axis. 1D NumPy array.

  • numpy.ndarray – Unit vector along the increasing third axis. 1D NumPy array.

property voxel_volume: float

The volume of a single voxel in cubic millimeters.



Return type


with_array(array, channels=None)

Create a volume using this geometry and an array.

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – Array of voxel data. Must have the same spatial shape as the existing volume (i.e. first three elements of the shape match). Must additionally have the same shape along the channel dimensions, unless the channels parameter is provided.

  • channels (dict[int | str | ChannelDescriptor, Sequence[int | str | float | Enum]] | None, optional) – Specification of channels of the array. Channels are additional dimensions of the array beyond the three spatial dimensions. For each such additional dimension (if any), an item in this dictionary is required to specify the meaning. The dictionary key specifies the meaning of the dimension, which must be either an instance of highdicom.ChannelDescriptor, specifying a DICOM tag whose attribute describes the channel, a a DICOM keyword describing a DICOM attribute, or an integer representing the tag of a DICOM attribute. The corresponding item of the dictionary is a sequence giving the value of the relevant attribute at each index in the array. The insertion order of the dictionary is significant as it is used to match items to the corresponding dimensions of the array (the first item in the dictionary corresponds to axis 3 of the array and so on).


Volume objects using this geometry and the given array.

Return type


class highdicom.VolumeToVolumeTransformer(volume_from, volume_to, round_output=False, check_bounds=False)

Bases: object

Class for transforming voxel indices between two volumes.

Construct transformation object.

The resulting object will map volume indices of the “from” volume to volume indices of the “to” volume.

  • volume_from (Union[highdicom.Volume, highdicom.VolumeGeometry]) – Volume to which input volume indices refer.

  • volume_to (Union[highdicom.Volume, highdicom.VolumeGeometry]) – Volume to which output volume indices refer.

  • round_output (bool, optional) – Whether to round the output to the nearest integer (if True) or return with sub-voxel accuracy as floats (if False).

  • check_bounds (bool, optional) – Whether to perform a bounds check before returning the output indices. Note there is no bounds check on the input indices.


Transform volume indices between two volumes.


indices (numpy.ndarray) – Array of voxel indices in the “from” volume. Array of integer or floating-point values with shape (n, 3), where n is the number of coordinates. The order of the three indices corresponds to the three spatial dimensions volume in that order. Point (0, 0, 0) refers to the center of the voxel at index (0, 0, 0) in the array.


Array of indices in the output volume that spatially correspond to those in the indices in the input array. This will have dtype an integer datatype if round_output is True and a floating point datatype otherwise. The output datatype will be matched to the input datatype if possible, otherwise either np.int64 or np.float64 is used.

Return type



ValueError – If check_bounds is True and the output indices would otherwise contain invalid indices for the “to” volume.

property affine: ndarray

4x4 affine transformation matrix



Return type


highdicom.get_volume_from_series(series_datasets, *, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, apply_real_world_transform=None, real_world_value_map_selector=0, apply_modality_transform=None, apply_voi_transform=False, voi_transform_selector=0, voi_output_range=(0.0, 1.0), apply_presentation_lut=True, apply_palette_color_lut=None, apply_icc_profile=None, atol=None, rtol=None)

Create volume from a series of single frame images.

  • series_datasets (Sequence[pydicom.Dataset]) – Series of single frame datasets. There is no requirement on the sorting of the datasets.

  • dtype (Union[type, str, numpy.dtype], optional) – Data type of the returned array.

  • apply_real_world_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether to apply a real-world value map to the frame. A real-world value maps converts stored pixel values to output values with a real-world meaning, either using a LUT or a linear slope and intercept.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if present but no error will be raised if it is not present.

    Note that if the dataset contains both a modality LUT and a real world value map, the real world value map will be applied preferentially. This also implies that specifying both apply_real_world_transform and apply_modality_transform to True is not permitted.

  • real_world_value_map_selector (int | str | pydicom.sr.coding.Code | highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, optional) – Specification of the real world value map to use (multiple may be present in the dataset). If an int, it is used to index the list of available maps. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string will be used to match the "LUTLabel" attribute to select the map. If a pydicom.sr.coding.Code or highdicom.sr.coding.CodedConcept, this will be used to match the units (contained in the "MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence" attribute).

  • apply_modality_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether to apply the modality transform (if present in the dataset) to the frame. The modality transform maps stored pixel values to output values, either using a LUT or rescale slope and intercept.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present and no real world value map takes precedence, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • apply_voi_transform (bool | None, optional) –

    Apply the value-of-interest (VOI) transform (if present in the dataset), which limits the range of pixel values to a particular range of interest using either a windowing operation or a LUT.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present and no real world value map takes precedence, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • voi_transform_selector (int | str | highdicom.content.VOILUTTransformation, optional) – Specification of the VOI transform to select (multiple may be present). May either be an int or a str. If an int, it is interpreted as a (zero-based) index of the list of VOI transforms to apply. A negative integer may be used to index from the end of the list following standard Python indexing convention. If a str, the string that will be used to match the "WindowCenterWidthExplanation" or the "LUTExplanation" attributes to choose from multiple VOI transforms. Note that such explanations are optional according to the standard and therefore may not be present. Ignored if apply_voi_transform is False or no VOI transform is included in the datasets.

  • voi_output_range (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Range of output values to which the VOI range is mapped. Only relevant if apply_voi_transform is True and a VOI transform is present.

  • apply_palette_color_lut (bool | None, optional) – Apply the palette color LUT, if present in the dataset. The palette color LUT maps a single sample for each pixel stored in the dataset to a 3 sample-per-pixel color image.

  • apply_presentation_lut (bool, optional) – Apply the presentation LUT transform to invert the pixel values. If the PresentationLUTShape is present with the value 'INVERSE', or the PresentationLUTShape is not present but the Photometric Interpretation is MONOCHROME1, convert the range of the output pixels corresponds to MONOCHROME2 (in which high values are represent white and low values represent black). Ignored if PhotometricInterpretation is not MONOCHROME1 and the PresentationLUTShape is not present, or if a real world value transform is applied.

  • apply_icc_profile (bool | None, optional) –

    Whether colors should be corrected by applying an ICC transform. Will only be performed if metadata contain an ICC Profile.

    If True, the transform is applied if present, and if not present an error will be raised. If False, the transform will not be applied, regardless of whether it is present. If None, the transform will be applied if it is present, but no error will be raised if it is not present.

  • rtol (float | None, optional) – Relative tolerance for determining spacing regularity. If slice spacings vary by less that this proportion of the average spacing, they are considered to be regular. If neither rtol or atol are provided, a default relative tolerance of 0.01 is used.

  • atol (float | None, optional) – Absolute tolerance for determining spacing regularity. If slice spacings vary by less that this value (in mm), they are considered to be regular. Incompatible with rtol.


Volume created from the series.

Return type


highdicom.imread(fp, lazy_frame_retrieval=False)

Read an image stored in DICOM File Format.

  • fp (Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]) – Any file-like object representing a DICOM file containing an image.

  • lazy_frame_retrieval (bool) – If True, the returned image will retrieve frames from the file as requested, rather than loading in the entire object to memory initially. This may be a good idea if file reading is slow and you are likely to need only a subset of the frames in the image.


Image read from the file.

Return type


highdicom.color module

class highdicom.color.CIELabColor(l_star, a_star, b_star)

Bases: object

Class to represent a color value in CIELab color space.

  • l_star (float) – Lightness value in the range 0.0 (black) to 100.0 (white).

  • a_star (float) – Red-green value from -128.0 (red) to 127.0 (green).

  • b_star (float) – Blue-yellow value from -128.0 (blue) to 127.0 (yellow).

property value: tuple[int, int, int]

Tuple[int]: Value formatted as a triplet of 16 bit unsigned integers.

Return type

tuple[int, int, int]

class highdicom.color.ColorManager(icc_profile)

Bases: object

Class for color management using ICC profiles.


icc_profile (bytes) – ICC profile


ValueError – When ICC Profile cannot be read.


Transforms a frame by applying the ICC profile.


array (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel data of a color image frame in form of an array with dimensions (Rows x Columns x SamplesPerPixel)


Color corrected pixel data of a image frame in form of an array with dimensions (Rows x Columns x SamplesPerPixel)

Return type



ValueError – When array does not have 3 dimensions and thus does not represent a color image frame.

highdicom.frame module

highdicom.frame.decode_frame(value, transfer_syntax_uid, rows, columns, samples_per_pixel, bits_allocated, bits_stored, photometric_interpretation, pixel_representation=0, planar_configuration=None, index=0)

Decode pixel data of an individual frame.

  • value (bytes) – Pixel data of a frame (potentially compressed in case of encapsulated format encoding, depending on the transfer syntax)

  • transfer_syntax_uid (str) – Transfer Syntax UID

  • rows (int) – Number of pixel rows in the frame

  • columns (int) – Number of pixel columns in the frame

  • samples_per_pixel (int) – Number of (color) samples per pixel

  • bits_allocated (int) – Number of bits that need to be allocated per pixel sample

  • bits_stored (int) – Number of bits that are required to store a pixel sample

  • photometric_interpretation (Union[str, highdicom.PhotometricInterpretationValues]) – Photometric interpretation

  • pixel_representation (Union[highdicom.PixelRepresentationValues, int, None], optional) – Whether pixel samples are represented as unsigned integers or 2’s complements

  • planar_configuration (Union[highdicom.PlanarConfigurationValues, int, None], optional) – Whether color samples are encoded by pixel (R1G1B1R2G2B2...) or by plane (R1R2...G1G2...B1B2...).

  • index (int, optional) – The (zero-based) index of the frame in the original dataset. This is only required situation: when the bits allocated is 1, the transfer syntax is not encapsulated (i.e. is native) and the number of pixels per frame is not a multiple of 8. In this case, the index is required to know how many bits need to be stripped from the start and/or end of the byte array. In all other situations, this parameter is not required and will have no effect (since decoding a frame does not depend on the index of the frame).


Decoded pixel data

Return type



ValueError – When transfer syntax is not supported.


In case of color image frames, the photometric_interpretation parameter describes the color space of the encoded pixel data and data may be converted from the specified color space into RGB color space upon decoding. For example, the JPEG codec generally converts pixels from RGB into YBR color space prior to compression to take advantage of the correlation between RGB color bands and improve compression efficiency. In case of an image data set with an encapsulated Pixel Data element containing JPEG compressed image frames, the value of the Photometric Interpretation element specifies the color space in which image frames were compressed. If photometric_interpretation specifies a YBR color space, then this function assumes that pixels were converted from RGB to YBR color space during encoding prior to JPEG compression and need to be converted back into RGB color space after JPEG decompression during decoding. If photometric_interpretation specifies an RGB color space, then the function assumes that no color space conversion was performed during encoding and therefore no conversion needs to be performed during decoding either. In both case, the function is supposed to return decoded pixel data of color image frames in RGB color space.

highdicom.frame.encode_frame(array, transfer_syntax_uid, bits_allocated, bits_stored, photometric_interpretation, pixel_representation=0, planar_configuration=None)

Encode pixel data of an individual frame.

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – Pixel data in form of an array with dimensions (Rows x Columns x SamplesPerPixel) in case of a color image and (Rows x Columns) in case of a monochrome image

  • transfer_syntax_uid (int) – Transfer Syntax UID

  • bits_allocated (int) – Number of bits that need to be allocated per pixel sample

  • bits_stored (int) – Number of bits that are required to store a pixel sample

  • photometric_interpretation (Union[PhotometricInterpretationValues, str]) – Photometric interpretation that will be used to store data. Usually, this will match the photometric interpretation of the input pixel array, however for "JPEGBaseline8Bit", "JPEG2000", and "JPEG2000Lossless" transfer syntaxes with color images, the pixel data must be passed in in RGB format and will be converted and stored as "YBR_FULL_422" ("JPEGBaseline8Bit"), "YBR_ICT" ("JPEG2000"), or “YBR_RCT”` ("JPEG2000Lossless"). In these cases the values of photometric metric passed must match those given above.

  • pixel_representation (Union[highdicom.PixelRepresentationValues, int, None], optional) – Whether pixel samples are represented as unsigned integers or 2’s complements

  • planar_configuration (Union[highdicom.PlanarConfigurationValues, int, None], optional) – Whether color samples are encoded by pixel (R1G1B1R2G2B2...) or by plane (R1R2...G1G2...B1B2...).


Encoded pixel data (potentially compressed in case of encapsulated format encoding, depending on the transfer syntax)

Return type



ValueError – When transfer_syntax_uid is not supported or when planar_configuration is missing in case of a color image frame.


In case of color image frames, the photometric_interpretation parameter describes the color space of the encoded pixel data and data may be converted from RGB color space into the specified color space upon encoding. For example, the JPEG codec converts pixels from RGB into YBR color space prior to compression to take advantage of the correlation between RGB color bands and improve compression efficiency. Therefore, pixels are supposed to be provided via array in RGB color space, but photometric_interpretation needs to specify a YBR color space.

highdicom.io module

Input/Output of datasets based on DICOM Part10 files.

class highdicom.io.ImageFileReader(filename)

Bases: object

Reader for DICOM datasets representing Image Information Entities.

It provides efficient, “lazy”, access to individual frame items contained in the Pixel Data element without loading the entire element into memory.


As of highdicom 0.24.0, users should prefer the highdicom.Image class with lazy frame retrieval (e.g. as output by the highdicom.imread() function when lazy_frame_retrieval=True) to this class in most situations. The highdicom.Image class offers the same lazy frame-level access, but additionally has several higher-level features, including the ability to apply pixel transformations to loaded frames, construct total pixel matrices, and construct volumes.


>>> from pydicom.data import get_testdata_file
>>> from highdicom.io import ImageFileReader
>>> test_filepath = get_testdata_file('eCT_Supplemental.dcm')
>>> with ImageFileReader(test_filepath) as image:
...     print(image.metadata.SOPInstanceUID)
...     for i in range(image.number_of_frames):
...         frame = image.read_frame(i)
...         print(frame.shape)
(512, 512)
(512, 512)

filename (Union[str, pathlib.Path, pydicom.filebase.DicomfileLike]) – DICOM Part10 file containing a dataset of an image SOP Instance


Closes file.

Return type


property filename: str

Path to the image file



Return type


property metadata: Dataset




Return type


property number_of_frames: int

Number of frames



Return type



Open file for reading.

  • FileNotFoundError – When file cannot be found

  • OSError – When file cannot be opened

  • OSError – When DICOM metadata cannot be read from file

  • ValueError – When DICOM dataset contained in file does not represent an image


Builds a Basic Offset Table to speed up subsequent frame-level access.

Return type


read_frame(index, correct_color=True)

Reads and decodes the pixel data of an individual frame item.

  • index (int) – Zero-based frame index

  • correct_color (bool, optional) – Whether colors should be corrected by applying an ICC transformation. Will only be performed if metadata contain an ICC Profile. Default = True.


Array of decoded pixels of the frame with shape (Rows x Columns) in case of a monochrome image or (Rows x Columns x SamplesPerPixel) in case of a color image.

Return type



OSError – When frame could not be read


Reads the raw pixel data of an individual frame item.


index (int) – Zero-based frame index


Pixel data of a given frame item encoded in the transfer syntax.

Return type



OSError – When frame could not be read

property transfer_syntax_uid: UID

Transfer Syntax UID of the file.



Return type


highdicom.spatial module

class highdicom.spatial.ImageToImageTransformer(image_position_from, image_orientation_from, pixel_spacing_from, image_position_to, image_orientation_to, pixel_spacing_to)

Bases: object

Class for transforming image coordinates between two images.

This class facilitates the mapping of image coordinates of an image or an image frame (tile or plane) into those of another image or image frame in the same frame of reference. This can include (but is not limited) to mapping between different frames of the same image, or different images within the same series (e.g. two levels of a spatial pyramid). However, it is required that the two images be coplanar within the frame-of-reference coordinate system.

Image coordinates are (column, row) pairs of floating-point values, where the (0.0, 0.0) point is located at the top left corner of the top left hand corner pixel of the pixel matrix. Image coordinates have pixel units at sub-pixel resolution.


Create a transformer for two images, where the second image has an axis flipped relative to the first.

>>> transformer = ImageToImageTransformer(
...     image_position_from=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
...     image_orientation_from=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
...     pixel_spacing_from=[1.0, 1.0],
...     image_position_to=[0.0, 100.0, 0.0],
...     image_orientation_to=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0],
...     pixel_spacing_to=[1.0, 1.0],
... )
>>> coords_in = np.array([[0, 0], [50, 50]])
>>> coords_out = transformer(coords_in)
>>> print(coords_out)
[[  0. 101.]
 [ 50.  51.]]


This class shall not be used to pixel indices between images. Use the highdicom.spatial.PixelToPixelTransformer class instead.

Construct transformation object.

The resulting object will map image coordinates of the “from” image to image coordinates of the “to” image.

  • image_position_from (Sequence[float]) – Position of the “from” image in the frame of reference, i.e., the offset of the top left hand corner pixel in the pixel matrix from the origin of the reference coordinate system along the X, Y, and Z axis

  • image_orientation_from (Sequence[float]) – Cosines of the row direction (first triplet: horizontal, left to right, increasing column index) and the column direction (second triplet: vertical, top to bottom, increasing row index) direction of the “from” image expressed in the three-dimensional patient or slide coordinate system defined by the frame of reference

  • pixel_spacing_from (Sequence[float]) – Spacing between pixels of the “from” imagem in millimeter unit along the column direction (first value: spacing between rows, vertical, top to bottom, increasing row index) and the rows direction (second value: spacing between columns: horizontal, left to right, increasing column index)

  • image_position_to (Sequence[float]) – Position of the “to” image using the same definition as the “from” image.

  • image_orientation_to (Sequence[float]) – Orientation cosines of the “to” image using the same definition as the “from” image.

  • pixel_spacing_to (Sequence[float]) – Pixel spacing of the “to” image using the same definition as the “from” image.

  • TypeError – When any of the arguments is not a sequence.

  • ValueError – When any of the arguments has an incorrect length, or if the two images are not coplanar in the frame of reference coordinate system.


Transform pixel indices between two images.


indices (numpy.ndarray) – Array of (column, row) coordinates at sub-pixel resolution in the range [0, Columns] and [0, Rows], respectively. Array of floating-point values with shape (n, 2), where n is the number of coordinates, the first column represents the column values and the second column represents the row values. The (0.0, 0.0) coordinate is located at the top left corner of the top left hand corner pixel in the total pixel matrix.


Array of (column, row) image coordinates in the “to” image.

Return type



ValueError – When coordinates has incorrect shape.

property affine: ndarray

4x4 affine transformation matrix



Return type


classmethod for_images(dataset_from, dataset_to, frame_number_from=None, frame_number_to=None, for_total_pixel_matrix_from=False, for_total_pixel_matrix_to=False)

Construct a transformer for two given images or image frames.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset representing an image.

  • frame_number (Union[int, None], optional) – Frame number (using 1-based indexing) of the frame for which to get the transformer. This should be provided if and only if the dataset is a multi-frame image.

  • for_total_pixel_matrix (bool, optional) – If True, use the spatial information for the total pixel matrix of a tiled image. The result will be a transformer that maps image coordinates of the total pixel matrix to frame of reference coordinates. This should only be True if the image is a tiled image and is incompatible with specifying a frame number.


Transformer object for the given image, or image frame.

Return type


class highdicom.spatial.ImageToReferenceTransformer(image_position, image_orientation, pixel_spacing)

Bases: object

Class for transforming coordinates from image to reference space.

This class facilitates the mapping of image coordinates in the pixel matrix of an image or an image frame (tile or plane) into the patient or slide coordinate system defined by the frame of reference. For example, this class may be used to map spatial coordinates (SCOORD) to 3D spatial coordinates (SCOORD3D).

Image coordinates are (column, row) pairs of floating-point values, where the (0.0, 0.0) point is located at the top left corner of the top left hand corner pixel of the pixel matrix. Image coordinates have pixel units at sub-pixel resolution.

Reference coordinates are (x, y, z) triplets of floating-point values, where the (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) point is located at the origin of the frame of reference. Reference coordinates have millimeter units.


>>> transformer = ImageToReferenceTransformer(
...     image_position=[56.0, 34.2, 1.0],
...     image_orientation=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
...     pixel_spacing=[0.5, 0.5]
... )
>>> image_coords = np.array([[0.0, 10.0], [5.0, 5.0]])
>>> ref_coords = transformer(image_coords)
>>> print(ref_coords)
[[55.75 38.95  1.  ]
 [58.25 36.45  1.  ]]


This class shall not be used for pixel indices. Use the class:highdicom.spatial.PixelToReferenceTransformer class instead.

Construct transformation object.

  • image_position (Sequence[float]) – Position of the slice (image or frame) in the frame of reference, i.e., the offset of the top left hand corner pixel in the pixel matrix from the origin of the reference coordinate system along the X, Y, and Z axis

  • image_orientation (Sequence[float]) – Cosines of the row direction (first triplet: horizontal, left to right, increasing column index) and the column direction (second triplet: vertical, top to bottom, increasing row index) direction expressed in the three-dimensional patient or slide coordinate system defined by the frame of reference

  • pixel_spacing (Sequence[float]) – Spacing between pixels in millimeter unit along the column direction (first value: spacing between rows, vertical, top to bottom, increasing row index) and the rows direction (second value: spacing between columns: horizontal, left to right, increasing column index)

  • TypeError – When any of the arguments is not a sequence.

  • ValueError – When any of the arguments has an incorrect length.


Transform image coordinates to frame of reference coordinates.


coordinates (numpy.ndarray) – Array of (column, row) coordinates at sub-pixel resolution in the range [0, Columns] and [0, Rows], respectively. Array of floating-point values with shape (n, 2), where n is the number of coordinates, the first column represents the column values and the second column represents the row values. The (0.0, 0.0) coordinate is located at the top left corner of the top left hand corner pixel in the total pixel matrix.


Array of (x, y, z) coordinates in the coordinate system defined by the frame of reference. Array has shape (n, 3), where n is the number of coordinates, the first column represents the X offsets, the second column represents the Y offsets and the third column represents the Z offsets

Return type



ValueError – When coordinates has incorrect shape.

property affine: ndarray

4x4 affine transformation matrix



Return type


classmethod for_image(dataset, frame_number=None, for_total_pixel_matrix=False)

Construct a transformer for a given image or image frame.

  • dataset (pydicom.Dataset) – Dataset representing an image.

  • frame_number (Union[int, None], optional) – Frame number (using 1-based indexing) of the frame for which to get the transformer. This should be provided if and only if the dataset is a multi-frame image.

  • for_total_pixel_matrix (bool, optional) – If True, use the spatial information for the total pixel matrix of a tiled image. The result will be a transformer that maps image coordinates of the total pixel matrix to frame of reference coordinates. This should only be True if the image is a tiled image and is incompatible with specifying a frame number.


Transformer object for the given image, or image frame.

Return type


highdicom.spatial.PATIENT_ORIENTATION_OPPOSITES = {<PatientOrientationValuesBiped.L: 'L'>: <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.R: 'R'>, <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.R: 'R'>: <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.L: 'L'>, <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.A: 'A'>: <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.P: 'P'>, <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.P: 'P'>: <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.A: 'A'>, <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.F: 'F'>: <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.H: 'H'>, <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.H: 'H'>: <PatientOrientationValuesBiped.F: 'F'>}

Mapping of each patient orientation value to its opposite.